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subject: Maternity Acupressure Guide Review - Does Lena Leino's Maternity Acupressure Really Work? [print this page]

Maternity Acupressure Guide Review - Does Lena Leino's Maternity Acupressure Really Work?

Even I, usually the bravest of the brave among my friends, am a little skeptical of this one. My best friend (and also a fellow nine months pregnant partner) told me about a post she read on a popular pregnancy forum about something called the Maternity Acupressure Guide. Supposedly, this guide helps you learn how to move your delivery along if you have been pregnant a long time, safely. Well, no matter how safe they say it is, I was about as skeptical as possible. So you can imagine my utter disbelief when my friend said she had the guide, and had already been following it for two days. I nearly spit out my herbal tea, and that's putting it nicely!

Before I could get too worked up about it, she actually showed me a few pages she had printed out and started telling me about the process. It turns out that being pregnant for too long is actually not beneficial at all and in some cases can be severely detrimental. The fatigue, the irritation, lack of sleep and more, can add up to serious negative side effects. Add that to the stress of already being pregnant, and this can possibly spell trouble.

She told me this is a process to help bring along labor naturally, that nothing is forced and no chemicals or medicines are involved at all. By the time she got me to this point, I was genuinely interested, and had a look at some of the paperwork myself. This Maternity Acupressure Guide involves acupressure points that you can stimulate that gently helps your body to bring on labor. Some studies have also shown that acupressure can help relieve stress on the baby!

After my friend left for the evening, I got curious, and bought the Maternity Acupressure Guide myself. After following the routines, I noticed an IMMEDIATE difference in how I felt, and I slept better that night than I had in months. While neither me nor my friend have gone into labor yet, we both seem to be way more relaxed and at ease than we were before. I would definitely recommend this guide to anyone expecting. Click here to have a look for yourself.

Update: I just heard that my friend is in labor this morning! Looks like this guide really DOES work!

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