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subject: Most Annoying Things Women Do Which Men Hate the Most! You Have to Stop Doing These Right Away [print this page]

Most Annoying Things Women Do Which Men Hate the Most! You Have to Stop Doing These Right Away

Once upon a time, there was a woman who; without realizing it; did something that men absolutely hate. The result was a lonely life for her, because men can't stand it when women do this thing! So, instead of spending the rest of your life wondering where you went wrong, or why you can't seem to snag Mr. Right, let's stop you in your tracks right here and make things plain and clear:

Handle Your Problems YOURSELF

As a woman, you probably like the comfort of being able to share your issues with others; ESPECIALLY a man you care about. BUT, men understand this as you simply ASKING them to come in and solve everything for you. This burdens them, and makes them uneasy around you (and it's also a turn off to Mr. Right!).

See, Mr. Right absolutely LOVES a woman who can handle her own problems....herself. What this means, is he looks for a woman who doesn't run off to others the instant she has a problem, but rather looks for a woman who makes the effort to solve her issues on her own.

He loves a woman who is responsible in her life and a woman who is emotionally mature. Being emotionally mature means you don't explode every time something doesn't go your way, and are able to maturely handle issues as they arise; rather than breaking down emotionally and asking others to deal with it for you.

This kind of woman is utterly attractive to the best kind of men, because they see this as being someone who won't be too clingy, needy, desperate etc....But rather as someone who he can truly open up to and BE himself around, because he won't always have to be worrying about her being O.K. or stressed out because she's always dramatizing everything.

Thus, you need learn how to handle your problems yourself. This entails ACTING on the issue as it arises and working to solve it, instead of just sitting around complaining about it or getting emotional.

Women Who Fail To Handle Their Problems Will Also FAIL To Keep A Man

Problems aren't supposed to feel good, but the more you fail to handle your problems, the larger they will become. So look at it this way: would you want to be around a guy who wasn't responsible in his life and left his problems to become so big that he can't even handle them? Now how would you like to be around a man who did that 24/7?

Clearly, you wouldn't, which is exactly why men don't like it either. So, for a change, instead of instantly running to a friend or your man whenever a problem arises to whine or talk about it....DO SOMETHING about it first. Keep it to yourself and figure out a way to handle it.

Once you adapt this strategy for your life, you will find that it will become a lot smoother, and you will become more attractive to men in general.

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