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Germany Sex Drops: Increase Sex Drive in Women

Germany Sex Drops: Increase Sex Drive in Women

Spanish fly is a long used aphrodisiac; it has history dated back centuries. Spanish fly is a potent sexual enhancement product made out of a powdered beetle found in southern Europe. It is usually used in animal husbandry, but has also enjoyed a long history of use in human sexuality as well. In fact, it has been use for over two thousand years; dating back to when people thought that bleeding each other was the best way to heal sickness; thus the use of blister beetles to heal others.

Spanish fly has been use since Hippocrates; the famous doctor from Greece who formed the foundation of much of our medical science. It was also used in ancient China to form the foundations of stink bombs and as an aphrodisiac. Spanish fly was used by the Romans, most notably by Augustus Caesar's wife who used it to encourage sexual indiscretions which would then be used to blackmail her guests. King Henry IV used it as did the Maquis de Sade to seduce women and induce orgies. It quickly got a strong history backing it for sexual conquest. All throughout history in fact, Spanish fly has been widely used to seduce women and induce longer, harder erections in men. It has also been used to induce animals to mate and indeed still is.

However, in more recent time, Spanish fly has been largely banned for human consumption. This is because the difference between a safe amount and a dangerous amount is far too narrow for safety and too much use of the powdered beetle can cause health ramifications. The most minor problems is pain urinating and a higher risk of infections; more serious problems include kidney and liver damage. In high enough dosages, Spanish fly can even be fatal. For this reason, Spanish fly has been banned in many parts of the world and is only allowed to be used in animal breeding. However, this hasn't stopped many companies outside of the banned areas from selling, nor from counterfeit products be sold; such as sugar water and combinations of herbs and spices that taste like Spanish fly, but are about as effective as peppering your meals.

Spanish fly should never be used by any adults who have any sense of morality and respect for each other! There are far better products out there that give you the same sexual results and satisfaction without all of the painful and irritating side effects. Germany sex drops and Gambir sarawak are two such products; they give the increased sexual libido you want without all of the disasters to follow. So, while Spanish fly may have interesting history of intrigue, blackmail, and stink bombs, it is not the best product to use in the bedroom anymore. Instead, opt for natural products like Germany sex drops and Gambir sarawak that are more gentle on the body, more effective sexually, and aren't banned for use due to the risk of a lethal overdose! Given the choice, wouldn't you prefer a product that works safely?

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