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Tips On Approaching Women - The Three Lethal Blunders Guys Make When They Approach Women

Tips On Approaching Women - The Three Lethal Blunders Guys Make When They Approach Women

When you don't know how to approach women the right way, you're constantly missing out on options. Very few guys realize how to approach women and begin the interaction in a playful, interesting way that creates a powerful REASON for women to want to know them and take things further.

Whenever you see a beautiful woman, you can assume that the last 33 guys who attempted to approach her -- whether it was at the bar, the park, or on the street -- sent all the wrong signals. They immediately made her feel uncomfortable and caused her "force field" to go on high alert. At that point, she's going to look for a reason to end the interaction as soon as possible.

She may indulge you with a few minutes of polite conversation and then blow you off gently ("It's been nice talking to you, but I need to go find my friend"), or perhaps she'll blow you off instantly by mentioning that she has a boyfriend. However she decides to handle it, the bottom line is that this conversation isn't leading anywhere -- certainly not to your bedroom!

So now, here are three of the WORST mistakes that guys make when they to try approach women, and some advce on how to avoid these mistakes and get good, consistent results.

Deadly Approach Mistake #1: Asking a girl for "permission" to speak with her. This means you must eliminate from your vocabulary phrases such as:

"Excuse me, may I know your name?"

"Excuse me, would you mind if I asked you something?"

"Can I buy you a drink?"

Starting a conversation this way instantly puts you at her mercy. In her eyes, you are a random stranger and you WANT something from her. When you look at it from this perspective, obviously this isn't a position ANYONE wants to be put in.

By the way, offering to buy a girl a drink might sound as if you're trying to give her something -- not take something from her. But what you're actually trying to do is take her TIME. When a guy offers to buy a drink for a girl he just walked up to, what he's really doing is trying to BRIBE her (with a drink) into giving her time to him.

Do you think a confident guy who gets laid a lot would approach women in this wishy-washy manner? Absolutely not. There's a correct point in the interaction to buy a girl a drink, and a clever way of doing it -- and it's certainly not in the first 30 seconds.

One of the rules of effective conversation is for you to stay in control at all times. You maintain the "power position" and dictate the flow of the conversation and the topics that are discussed (and avoided). The key is to do this subtly. You can learn how to "invisibly" guide the conversation so that you make her laugh, experience positive emotions, and share personal details (such as her passions, ambitions and talents) that she'd normally never share with a guy she only met a few minutes ago.

This is when women begin to feel attraction, and you're on your way to success.

But let's start from the beginning. The first "key" to maintaining your power and control is NOT starting the conversation from a position of weakness. And once of the weakest ways to begin a conversation is to ask permission to talk to her. Never ask permision. Assume that she'll be totally interested in meeting you.

Here's the second "Deadly" mistake that guys make when they approach women: Not assuming rapport. When two people have "rapport" it means they're comfortable with each other and have things in common. They vibe with each other in the manner of old friends -- joking around, having fun, talking about topics of common interest instead of the conversation sounding like a job interview.

Watch a guy with lousy approach skills start a conversation with a woman, and you'll notice that he almost always starts asking questions: "So what's your name?" "Are you from around here?" "So what do you do for work?" Etc. He could be having this same conversation with his dentist!

On the other hand, the guy who is extremely good with women always assumes rapport. These guys don't see any need to waste time asking a bunch of unexciting questions about where she's from, has she been to this place before, etc. From the beginning, he's playing around with her (as if he's known her for a lot longer than he really has) -- teasing her in a playful way, asking fun questions, telling short little stories that demonstrate his VALUE and make her smile and view him in a positive way.

By showing her that he's a high-value guy who is cool, friendly but NOT easily impressed, he makes her feel the need to prove HERSELF worthy. Even within the space of the first few minutes of conversation, this guy is showing her that he's an interesting, dynamic guy who clearly has a lot of OPTIONS, He leads an attractive lifestyle, and she's going to want to be a part of it.

The final "Deadly Approach Mistake" is not having a game plan when you go into the conversation, and not having an "exit strategy" (or "closing strategy") either. The majority of guys put too much importance on the "opener" -- what they're going to say to the girl FIRST. In fact, what you follow up with is far more important -- how you transition into the conversation and keep it moving forward. At that point, you can use a variety of techniques including Cold Reads, Hooks & Ladders, and Hypothetcials to make sure you NEVER "run out of steam" during the conversation.

In short, you've got to know how to keep guiding the conversation forward so that it follows a sequence of steps that push her different "emotional buttons." For example, building comfort is a critical early step. No woman is going to want to give you her phone number (much less sleep with you that night) if you haven't made her feel comfortable with you. This is why learning the right comfort-building techniques is so important.

Next, once comfort has been established, you'll want to start challenging her & teasing her (but always in a light, playful way). This is the stage where you frame yourself as a high-value man who is "hard to get." You're going to make her work for your attention and positive feedback, and make her want to measure up to YOUR standards. (This is the complete opposite of how most guys interact with women, as they awkwardly try to demonstrate that they're up to HER standards.)

Next comes Escalation (both verbal and physical), and finally there is The Close.. Depending on the circumstances, this could mean getting her phone number (and having her WANT to see you again soon, rather than blowing off your calls), or taking her home and nailing her that evening. So few guys understand how to "close" successfully.

Mastering the art of approaching women and following this process means the difference between chatting with girls every time you go out but never sleeping with them -- or ever seeing them again -- and having the rocking Alpha Male sex life that most men can only fantasize about, leading a lifestyle filled with fun, beautiful women.

It means that virtually anytime you leave your home -- whether it's to run errands, or to hit a bar or nightclub with your friends -- you'll be on the lookout for new opportunities to approach women and have fun interactions, instead of this being something you shy away from, or stress out over.

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