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Getting Pregnant Over 40 - Secret to Getting Pregnant Over 40 Years of Age

Getting Pregnant Over 40 - Secret to Getting Pregnant Over 40 Years of Age

Females who are aged 40 and above have usually delayed pregnancy to reach career goals and enjoy stability financially. These types of women hold stable careers, ensuring a bright future that is secure financially for their children.

There are however some trade-offs in this kind of set-up. Getting pregnant over 40 is not like a walk in the park. There are a number of researches conducted on populations that do not apply any form of contraception which show that there is a sharp regression in conception rates once a woman have reached the age of 35. While it can be true that age is just a numerical figure, this is not applicable when we talk about optimum functioning of the reproductive system.

For those women who wish to be a mother soon, here are some tips for getting pregnant over 40:

Maintain the overall health of your body. Keeping the body healthy ensures that the hormonal levels are at a normal. A healthy body translates to optimum levels of the hormones testosterone, progesterone and estrogen at each stage of your menstrual cycle. As a result, ovulation is ensured.

In addition to the first tip, maintain your ideal weight. The optimal body mass index or weight per height to getting pregnant is 22 to 25. Being under or over-nourished causes hormonal balance.

Consider taking in vitamin and mineral supplements. If you want to conceive a baby, stock up on folic acid supplements at least 3 months before actually getting pregnant.

Quit smoking. The smoke coming from the cigarette can impair your tubes, thereby preventing fertilization. Cigarette smoking can also have harmful effects on your ovaries, accelerating the loss of ovarian reserve.

Schedule your sexual intercourse. There are several methods that you can use in combination to increase your odds of getting your time of ovulation right. These methods include checking your cervical mucus, monitoring of basal temperature, and counting the days based on the duration of your menstrual period.

Getting pregnant over 40 can be tricky, especially if your partner is also around the same age. Age reduces the fertility of both male and female, but it is not irriversible.

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