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subject: Identity Direct Review & Coupon Code - Promo [print this page]

Identity Direct Review & Coupon Code - Promo has multiple coupon codes which will save you some big money. Currently, they have a free shipping coupon and a 5 dollar off coupon which you can redeem by following the steps below:

First, You MUST Click Here to Activate Your Coupons

Next, enter "41000" or "42037" for free shipping.

Enter "41238" for $5 off of $20 or more.

Identity Direct Review: carries a great selection of adventure books, clothing, gifts, and much more. The best part of Identity Direct is that you can put your son or daughter into the present. If you get them a clock, you can get their name added to it. If you get a storybook, you'll child's face will be added throughout the story, so it's like the story is about them!

If you are trying to find a unique and creative Christmas gift or birthday gift, Identity Direct has something for a variety of age groups which will make your child happy.

Also, Identity Direct has a 30 day money back guarantee so if you are not happy with your purchase, you can get your money back.

One cool thing about Identity Direct is that after you place your order, you can log into their website and check the status of your order without having to email or call them. This convenient feature makes Identity Direct an easy place to get great gifts and presents.

Check out today and enjoy free shipping and $5 off when you use the coupon code links below:

First, You MUST Click Here to Activate Your Coupons

Next, enter "41000" or "42037" for free shipping.

Enter "41238" for $5 off of $20 or more.

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