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"Four Top Ameriplan Leads Generating Strategies That Work For Any Budget!"

Regardless if you are buying Ameriplan Leads specific to your Ameriplan Opportunity or just plain old business opportunity seekers or work from home leads, buying leads gets to be an expensive adventure. Most networkers soon find themselves spending more money buying leads for their business than they will make in the next several months.

The plan here is to expose some key strategies that can drive business to you, (as specific Ameriplan leads for your Ameriplan business) instead of you chasing general work from home or biz opp leads.

For the typical Ameriplan broker, one or two new people joining their business per month is pretty good. Question, if other Ameriplan Brokers are recruiting 10-15 new people into their Ameriplan business per month, every month, what are they doing that the typical brokers are not?

Here are four key Strategies that you need to learn and implement if you want to excel.

One: Today everything we need is available at the click of a mouse. Using a blog is really cool and easy to set up. Every top network marketer making the big bucks has a blog. And so should you. Setting up a blog for your Ameriplan opportunity is quite simple. Word Press dot com is a great blog site, it is free and they have great training on just how to put it together. This is a very fast way to get your Ameriplan business out there. You can discuss topics like the benefits of being involved with Ameriplan, the different programs that are available, the systems that you use, how people are saving money and have some fun while creating your blog.

Two: Video marketing your Ameriplan business is essential. There is probably no faster way to get your business out in front of the people who want to know more of what you have to offer. YouTube is the most popular video site to use for this, and it is free. In no time you are up and running with your videos online. If you do this right (you don't have to be perfect) you are going to come across as a leader and an authority. Setting yourself up in this manner will generate a good deal of Ameriplan Leads for you, and your team.

Three: Duplication. Once these are generating specific Ameriplan leads for your business, show your team how to do the same things with their Blogs and their Videos.If you bring just one new person into your Ameriplan business next month you would then have 2 (including you) using blogs and video's to generate specific Ameriplan leads! This is great. You are on your way. This will be easy to duplicate because they came into your Ameriplan business using these very same techniques so they will be eager to follow your lead.

Just think what can happen to your Ameriplan business the next month if each of you bring in just one person, (you would now have 4) and the next month (8, then 16, then 32, then 64 you get the idea) now you are going viral and starting to make real money.

Four: Now that you have your Ameriplan Opportunity blog and videos in place, start writing an article or two a week and get them published (again for free) at some of the article submission sites. Ezine articles, article snatch, go articles are just a couple of the top sites to use. Be sure to put your key words in each article. People should now be able to start finding out about you and what your Ameriplan business has for them. Include in your articles documentation on what you have to offer and how it works so people will know that this does not have anything to do with Ameriplan scams.

To take it a step farther, learn how to implement other systems of automation for your Ameriplan Opportunity using the social networks, specific Ameriplan leads, training, recruiting, funded proposal marketing and of course multiple streams of income. Start implementing these strategies today and watch your Ameriplan business sky rocket to the T O P (Total Ongoing Prosperity).

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