subject: Ideas On How Kids Can Make Money [print this page] Ideas On How Kids Can Make Money Ideas On How Kids Can Make Money
The best way to teach your kids about money is to teach them how to earn it themselves. An allowance only goes so far these days, and supplementing an allowance with money they have worked for helps kids to appreciate it more too. Here are some ideas on how kids can make money, even at a young age, to teach them the value of money and understand how to handle it. Younger kids will have to be supervised and helped with their jobs at home for a while, but older kids and teens can venture into a variety of different jobs to earn more money.
When children are small, the easiest way to help them earn is to 'pay' them to perform chores around the house. These should not be personal responsibilities like making their bed or tidying their room, but rather helping with family chores that benefit all. At first, they will only be able to help you, the adults, but as they grow they can do more by themselves. Car washing, raking up leaves in the garden, setting the table and bathing the dogs are all tasks that children can perform with help and supervision. Your neighbors may appreciate help with similar jobs too, and older children can walk the neighbors dogs, babysit their children and help in the yard. You can reciprocate by paying the neighbors children for chores too.
If your child has a particular talent for making things, try to channel that into producing useful items that your child can sell at local fairs and markets. This is a great way to introduce the concept of expenses and profit.
High school students can offer extra lessons to juniors in the area, helping them either academically or in sport. Some sports clubs will hire students as assistant coaches too.
Budding internet entrepreneurs earn steady incomes from their internet marketing activities. Give your child access to the world of earning on the internet, and you may be setting them up with a passive income for life.
These are just a few money making ideas for kids. The task for parents does not end once you worked out how kids can make money. Now you've got to teach them how to handle it properly too. Kids making money need to learn how to spend it wisely too. Open a bank account for them, and explain why they should consider saving their money rather than spending it all at once. Money certainly makes life more comfortable, but it should not be the only source of happiness for your child. Make sure they don't become obsessed with making money to the extent that it rules their lives - after all, they are just children.
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