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subject: Fujian accelerate the construction of the State Council to support the views of Western Taiwan Straits Economic Zone - Hercynian economic zone, the [print this page]

Fujian accelerate the construction of the State Council to support the views of Western Taiwan Straits Economic Zone - Hercynian economic zone, the

Fujian accelerate the construction of the State Council to support the views of Western Taiwan Straits Economic Zone - Hercynian economic zone, the

Accelerate the construction of the State Council on the support of Fujian Province Several Opinions of the Economic Zone Guo Fa 2009

24 Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, wagons, directly under the agency:

To implement the spirit of the party congress, economic and social development, "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" of the deployment, support and promote economic zone in Fujian Province to speed up construction, and promote sound and rapid development in the region are made the following observations:
Fujian accelerate the construction of the State Council to support the views of Western Taiwan Straits Economic Zone - Hercynian economic zone, the

A full understanding of support for the Economic Zone in Fujian Province to speed up construction of the strategic significance of the overall requirements and the development of clear objectives

(A) significant. West of the East and the Taiwan area of water separated, North Cheng Changjiang River Delta, south of the Pearl River Delta, is China's coastal economic zone of the important component of regional economic development in the country at an important position in the layout. Fujian Economic Zone occupies a principal position, and Taiwan are geographically close, are related by blood, culture edge each other, business edge connected with through the Dharma, the unique advantages of interaction with Taiwan. In recent years, the Economic Zone in Fujian Province to vigorously promote the construction of the comprehensive strength continuously increased, in order to further accelerate the development laid a solid foundation. At present, cross-strait relations, significant positive changes, for the West Coast Economic Zone to speed up the development and implementation of the Taiwan Area Cooperation Provides an important opportunity. Support to speed up West Coast Economic Zone in Fujian Province, Fujian Province is to further develop comparative advantages, to achieve sound and rapid development of the urgent needs; is to improve the economic structure of coastal areas, to promote the west side of the other regions and Taiwan investment is concentrated in the major regional development initiatives; is to strengthen cross-strait exchanges and cooperation, push forward the peaceful reunification of the motherland and the strategic plan, is of great economic and political significance.

(B) of the overall requirements. Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhere to Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" as guidance, further implement the scientific concept of development, to safeguard the core interests of the Chinese nation, promote the overall interests of the motherland's reunification, firmly grasp the peaceful cross-strait relations the theme of development, efforts to promote cross-strait exchanges and cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win for both sides; concentrate on changing the mode of economic development and the ability of independent innovation, improve the quality and level of economic development; efforts to balance urban and rural and regional development, improve the coordination of economic and social development; focus deepen reform and opening up, enhance the development of power and vitality; efforts to improve people's livelihood, promote socialist harmonious society; efforts to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, to achieve sustainable development, the West Coast Economic Zone to become sustainable economic development, culture, more prosperous, integrated and their competitiveness, the people live in peace and harmony of the region, and make greater contributions to the overall situation.

(3) strategic positioning. ?? Cross-strait exchanges and cooperation between the people of pilot regions. Economic Zone to play the unique strengths and work with Taiwan based on efforts to build cutting-edge platform, cross-strait exchanges and cooperation, implementation of the pilot policy to strengthen economic zone and the overall economy in Taiwan docking, and promote cross-strait exchanges and cooperation to a wider range of a larger scale and higher level forward.

? Services around the development of new integrated channel opening. From the service, guide and promote regional economic development proceed vigorously to strengthen infrastructure construction, build railways, highways, sea and air transport hub of the west side of the main skeleton of a modern comprehensive transportation network, making the development of services to surrounding areas, to expand cross-strait Comprehensive channel exchanges and cooperation.
Fujian accelerate the construction of the State Council to support the views of Western Taiwan Straits Economic Zone - Hercynian economic zone, the

? East coast an important base for advanced manufacturing. Based on the existing manufacturing base, to strengthen cross-strait industrial cooperation, and actively docking Taiwan manufacturing industry, to develop Electronic Information, equipment manufacturing and other industries, accelerate the formation of high technology, good economic returns, low resource consumption, little environmental pollution and human resources into full play the country competitive in the advanced manufacturing base and the base of the cross-strait industrial collaboration.

? Our important natural and cultural tourism. Give full play to the Economic Zone of the natural and cultural resources, enhance the Wuyi Mountains, southwestern Fujian Earth Building, Gulangyu other scenic tourist attraction on both sides to explore Taiwanese culture, Hakka culture, Mazu culture cross-strait common culture connotation of "Strait tourism "theme, to become internationally renowned tourist destination and the distinctive natural and cultural tourism.

(D) development goals. ?? To 2012, optimizing structure, improving efficiency, reducing consumption and protecting the environment, based on per capita GDP close to or reach the average level of the eastern region, efforts to advance scientific development, strive to lead the country in some areas front; urban and rural incomes increased significantly the level of basic public services improved; a big increase in local revenue; unit GDP energy consumption continued to decline; continue to improve the ecological environment; services direct cross-strait "three links" of the main channel shape and constant improvement of cross-strait exchanges and cooperation in the forefront of people's capabilities become even more prominent platform.

? 2020, the first to build a dynamic, highly efficient, more open and conducive to scientific development of institutional mechanisms. Significantly improve overall coordination, social employment more fully, the social security system and improve people's lives more affluent, more harmonious society. Significantly improve the efficiency of resource use, a beautiful ecological environment and sustainable development capacity enhanced, ecological civilization construction led the nation, reaching a new level of scientific development, to achieve the goal of building a well. Economic integration between Fujian and Taiwan continue to strengthen and promote the formation of a new pattern of cross-strait common development.

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