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Fad Diets: Why Fad Diets Fail!

Fad diets all have one thing in common. They are a diet among millions of diets all promising the same thing. Realistically many of these diets will provide weight loss in the beginning for many people. So, you lose some weight at first, but you could also be losing some muscle on these diets too. Which, you know, losing muscle can spell disaster to your fat burning efforts. That is not even the biggest problem. The biggest problem is most people that follow all these fad diets often gain back all the fat they lost, and then some.

On top of that, these diets often recommend focusing on one type of food, which can lead to unhealthy eating habits. My research has found that these diets are too strict to be realistically followed. And anything you can not follow as a lifestyle will not burn fat in the long run.

The very concept of a diet is a set up for failure. Why? Diets are based in a temporary mindset. That means you go on a diet, therefore, you will have to go off the diet. This is temporary.

Another words, why lose 10 or 20 pounds to just gain it back and more when you go off the diet? People look to diets as the answer to their weight or fitness problems. Actually diets are not the answer, they are part of the problem. People who are regular dieters do not burn fat in the long run.

If you want health and fitness in a lean body, you should follow basic nutritional advice you probably knew all along. Eat your vegetables (especially the green ones), limit sugars and junk, but do not eliminate it totally. Try for a healthy balance among the food groups.

You see, your body naturally craves foods rich in nutrients (vitamines, minerals,etc.). So, when you eat most of your meals from foods rich in important nutrients, your body will be satisfied and overeating will not be much of a problem.

You then begin to burn fat as a natural result of giving your body what it thrives on. You are also lowering your risk for disease by promoting a natural alkaline environment in your body with these types of food.

If you do the opposite and eat most of your meals from food lacking in nutrients, you will keep eating and eating to satisfy your bodies nutrient needs. This leads to too many calories and a person who will just keep getting fatter. The body will also develop increased risk for disease with an acidic environment in the body. All this means no fat burning.

So, focus on foods rich in nutrients. Go back to the basics and you will soon see results. Stay away from fad diets or the latest weight loss trend. Find a simple program that will teach you the right way to burn fat fast and safely.

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