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subject: Reactive attachment disorder can be cured with suitable treatment and child can develop stable relationships with caregivers and others [print this page]

Reactive attachment disorder can be cured with suitable treatment and child can develop stable relationships with caregivers and others

Reactive attachment disorder can be cured with suitable treatment and child can develop stable relationships with caregivers and others

RAD Consultancy is a rapidly evolving organization that encompasses a group of well experienced counselors. Having attained expertise in curing all the major child behavior problems like Reactive attachment disorder and Oppositional defiant disorder, the consultancy offers speedy and economic methods for the same. Reactive attachment disorder is a serious condition in which infants and young children are not able to establish healthy bonds with parents or caregivers. This happens because they are usually neglected, abused or moved multiple times from one caregiver to another. Once they become habitual of receiving care and affection from the primary care giver, it is difficult for them to form that same trustworthy bond with another. On the other hand, one reason could also be that the child's basic needs for comfort were not fulfilled because his parents lacked the required parenting skills or they belonged to teenage.

Reactive attachment disorder can be cured with suitable treatment and child can develop stable relationships with caregivers and others. However, if not attended on time, it may permanently alter the child's mental ability to form bonds in future. Moreover, it may become the cause of oppositional defiant disorder. This problem is characterized by an unpredictable behavior. Defiant children exhibit unfavorable symptoms that fill negativity in their mind. They often refuse to accept what their parents or authorities say. They cannot accept anyone's judgment and want their idea or decision to be implemented. Filled with dominance, they are rude and impolite towards friends or others. They always blame others and are ready to take revenge. Entering into argumentation with elders or seniors is their common trait.

Apart from the above disorders, your child may also get engulfed by other serious problems like Conduct Disorder (CD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Bipolar Disorder (BPD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or depression. Counselors at RAD Consultancy make use of modern approach and develop the related remedial procedure to treat your defiant child. The Consultancy fosters the training of mothers. A specific counselor is assigned the task of supervising the mother, which is done through a telephonic conversation every week. Instead of holding long or time-consuming sessions, achieving goal by using a smooth process is preferred for both RAD treatment and ODD treatment.

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