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subject: Why is my Wife Cheating and how can I make my Wife Stop Cheating? [print this page]

Why is my Wife Cheating and how can I make my Wife Stop Cheating?

Why is my Wife Cheating and how can I make my Wife Stop Cheating?

Is there a way to make my wife cheating? Why is she cheating in the first place? Am I doing something wrong? These are all common questions you might be asking yourself, somewhere after who is he, I'm going to rip his heart out, once you find out your wife has been cheating on you.

They are all perfectly valid questions that deserve answers. Unfortunately, the answers aren't all that easy to provide.

Why is my wife cheating?

The first question has many possible reasons. In fact there are too many reasons your wife may be cheating to list. Here are a few of the common reasons women cheat. Perhaps one or more of them is the culprit in your wife's cheating.

Boredom some women are just bored with the same old marriage routine night after night. They miss the excitement of dating and trying new things.

Challenge some women need to feel challenged. Once they are married they feel the "conquest" is over and they need something new to make them feel that rush of victory when a new man is "conquered".

Respect many women feel they aren't getting enough (if any) respect at home. Another man comes along and plays on the lack of appreciation and acknowledgment, offers these things, and enjoys the rewards of doing so.

Comfort some women find the arms of another man to be comforting. This is often the result of some sort of deep down inside insecurity that having the attraction and/or attention of multiple men helps boost.

Loneliness more women than husbands realize cheat for this reason. Loneliness is a real relationship killer for women whose husbands work long hours away from home.

Revenge women who feel they are being cheated on or that they have been wronged in some major way will often have affairs to "get even". It rarely works out for them though and they only end up in more pain from the guilt.

How can I make her Stop?

There are many ways to make her stop cheating but you'll have to find a method that works with her reason for cheating to be most effective.

If she's bored; make sure she has plenty of things to occupy her time and her mind.

If she needs a challenge; give her some major challenges consider role playing so she can enjoy the thrills of conquest and the hunt.

If she feels unappreciated; show her some respect and appreciation.

If she needs comfort; give it to her.

If she's lonely; keep her company.

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