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Acid Reflux Causes & treatment

Acid Reflux Causes & treatment

Recent events happening to a dear friend led me to scour the web for more information on acid reflux causes. My friend had three major attacks of heartburn in the space of two weeks. He had thought that he was having heart attacks and had to be rushed to the hospital each time. Initially the doctors could not detect what was wrong with him.There are many acid reflux causes that contribute to acid reflux disease. Doctors are really not sure what the real acid reflux causes are. There are a few things that have been found to irritate the problem more. Smoking, stress, being overweight and bad diet of high fats and salt contribute to irritating the condition more. If you have been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia, you could experience symptoms more severe with the acid reflux symptoms on top of it.

Acid Reflux is a condition in which acid from the stomach escapes and moves up into the esophagus. This is not a normal process of digestion and so can cause severe discomfort. If you have too much acid in your stomach it can eat away at the stomach lining and affect the muscles in the stomach and the esophagus.The problem with the LES is the first causal step to the disease of acid reflux. In a healthy person, the LES is only relaxed upon food moving from the esophagus into the stomach. When the food is inside the stomach, the valve shuts again to maintain stomach acid and content inside. When the LES is weakened however and fails to shut correctly, acid can be pushed back up your throat causing a painful burning feeling which is heartburn.

Most women who experience acid reflux cause when pregnant can take steps to minimize the effects of the signs and symptoms of heartburn. One of the steps you can take is to eliminate foods that are acid reflux cause. By now you must realize what many of the foods are that trigger acid reflux symptoms. By avoiding those foods you can do a lot to manage your condition.Other foods may or may not trigger acid reflux depend on your own personal reaction to the food, and the severity of your condition. These are foods you may be able to eat in moderation. They include fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and peaches. Vegetables include cooked onions, scallions, leeks, and sauerkraut.

Something that may be a surprise to you is that the acid reflux cause for almost all individuals is a lack of stomach acid, not too much stomach acid. That is the reason why it is so important for you to make sure that you're getting plenty of green, leafy vegetables into your diet. The fiber and other beneficial items that are found in these leafy vegetables is going to cause your stomach to produce the right amount of stomach acid, not too little and not too much.When considering just how does acid reflux cause bad breath, you need to remember that if your breath is affected then your esophagus and mouth will be as well, so it's important to address this issue.

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