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subject: DIVORCE LAWYER SYDNEY [print this page]


Divorce process is so complicated. Indeed, divorce and separation can be financially stressful and painful. In this stressful time, a divorce lawyer can help you. Thinking of getting a divorce with your present partner? You can be of help by a legal advice from a professional divorce lawyer to help you understand your right and options.

Divorce is stressful and confusing for a period of time, this is what Etheringtons Solicitors Sydney understands. If you need divorce services, do not be hesitant on contacting Etheringtons Solicitors Sydney for advice. It is advisable that you are aware of your rights before you begin with the divorce proceedings. Your basic rights covers the areas on considering leaving your partner, become aware that they intend to leave you, received a letter from your spouse or partner's lawyer, documents initiating court proceedings, signing a consent order or other legal documentation, mediation concerning property and/or children's matters and informed that a claim is being made upon property you own.

At Etheringtons Solicitors Sydney, divorce cases are provided with legal representation. A variety of legal services related to divorce matters covers their services which include settlement of financial disputes, prenuptial agreements, property division and superannuation splitting. We also offer divorce legal matters such as settlement of financial disputes, prenuptial agreements, property division and superannuation splitting. They are also expert in legal service areas like intervention and restraining orders, paternity disputes and dealing with children's matters.

Choose Etheringtons Solicitors Sydney as your choice in looking for a legal firm to assist you with all your legal needs. Their staffs and members are graduates from known universities and institutes. They have enough training regarding legal requirements. You may contact them now and assured that you will be accommodated and able to speak to their competent and friendly lawyers.

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