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subject: Get Noticed by Women - How to Do It [print this page]

Get Noticed by Women - How to Do It

1. Take care of yourself and your looks

With a few noteworthy exceptions, like Johnny Depp in those darn pirate-movies, women like men who are well-kept and look after themselves.

- Hair care. Use shampoo and conditioner and wash your hair every day. Make sure you have a haircut that you can manage, and which compliments your facial features. Ask your hairdresser for advice if you are uncertain of which hairdo to choose. Use a moderate amount of wax, spray or gel - Nobody likes it if you look like you've dipped your head in an oil vat.

- Body care. Cleanse your body daily. Make sure to pay extra attention to more delicate regions to avoid having a foul smell emanating from there. Exfoliate on a weekly basis with a gel scrub, and maybe a loofah.

- Facial cleansing. Make sure you use a deep cleansing lotion at least once a week, and use a mild cleansing agent twice a day - at wake-up and bed-time! Also, don't forget to use a moisturizer to prevent dry skin. It may sound daunting, but it's really not that difficult. For example: 1. Cleanse face. 2. Shave. 3. Use an after shave lotion with a soothing, moisturizing effect. There, that's really all there is to it.

- Clothes. Dress nicely. A good rule of thumb is: "Rather over-dressed than under-dressed". T-shirts with funny motifs are great for a movie night with a friend, but they're not the best choice for a nightclub or party. Wear something a little bit fancier, like a dress shirt. If that feels too fancy, wear the button-up shirts that are more casual, perhaps with the sleeves rolled up.

- Clothes-keeping. Shine your shoes, and have them cleaned every now and then. You may not think they smell but, trust me, they do. Make sure your clothes are clean and smooth at all times. If a garment is torn, throw it out! The classic "socks with holes in them" is a bad idea.

2. Act with confidence

Notice that I didn't say "be confident"? The fact of the matter is that no one can make you confident, and it's not something you can force. Social confidence comes from social success, and social success comes from acting confident, and being casual and suave. In this realm of the world, you really will become what you pretend to be.

Use plenty of contact - both eye contact and physical contact. Gently touch her arm while you touch to her, and look intently into her eyes as you speak with her. There's a fine line here, as always - you do not want to stare, you want to convey an air of confidence and undivided attention.

Remember to maintain a healthy balance between confidence and humility. Nobody likes a big-mouth, and arrogance is generally not considered attractive. Be confident in the way you talk, move and act, but be humble in your descriptions of yourself and your accomplishments.

3. Be positive

In our interactions with other people, we are often faced with the option of reacting with either positivity or negativity. Be the positive force! If you help a person see the upside in a situation, they will begin associating you with positivity. Even if you feel that you are having a bad day, try to be positive and find that silver lining.

4. Be honest

There's a huge difference between trying to put a confident, positive spin on your social interactions, and outright lying. Never make anything up, or make claims you can't later back up. Lying might get you into bed with someone, but it's dishonest and unpleasant.

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