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Mark your daughter's sixteenth birthday with a huge celebration

Mark your daughter's sixteenth birthday with a huge celebration

June 07, 2010 Written by: Tyna LewisIt's often bitter sweet when little girls grow up, isn't it? While most parents love seeing their child mature and evolve into a fine young lady, their teenage years are often spent in the company of close friends and impromptu trips to the mall, rather than hanging out with (heaven forbid) her dear old mom and dad. Still, if your daughter is about to celebrate one of the most important birthdays in her life - her sixteenth - why not honor the occasion with an amazing birthday party? While she'll no doubt spend most of the shindig mingling with her giggling girlfriends, when the event is over and you're about to turn in for the evening you can guarantee you'll be getting a humongous hug and a genuine "thank you" for your efforts. What more could a parent ask for?To begin, coordinate some amazing birthday invitations. These can be simple or crazy - it really depends on what your guest of honor desires. Make sure to ask her opinion and even try to pull her away from the phone for an hour or two so the two of you can go shopping together.Sex and the City is extremely popular right now, so why not base the invites around the movie? Try to find invitations that have Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte's photos on them. Even ones with Carrie and Mr Big will be a hit! If you want to go for something simpler, invites with phrases such as "Girls Night Out" or "I Couldn't Help But Wonder" on them will do.Next, start planning out some amazing birthday decorations. These should get pretty crazy, as your daughter is sure to want the event to be spectacular. However, try to pick a color scheme for the affair and use it for inspiration. If your special someone adores the color pink, use the hue when purchasing balloons, banners and streamers.Finally, don't forget about birthday party supplies. These are the extra details that are needed to really bring your party to another level. And, just like kids birthday party supplies, they can be based around a theme or motif.For starters, if your daughter plays a sport in her high school, why not find paper plates, cups and utensils with these images on it? A soccer star would love to see napkins that have photos of cleats and knee pads on them. If your child is involved in a club, such as drama, use recognizable icons to adorn paper supplies.Remember, a sixteenth birthday is a special one, but it's also a time where girls are very self-conscious. So make sure to check in with them before heading out for a shopping trip. If you take the necessary precautions, your daughter is bound to have one of the best nights of her life.

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