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Date Tips for Men - Mistakes You Never Want to Make on the First Date

Date Tips for Men - Mistakes You Never Want to Make on the First Date

Even though it might seem a little tricky at first, getting the first date with a woman really is not the hard part. It's getting the second and the third date with her that really requires a little know how. Make a lot of mistakes on the first date, and you are pretty much guaranteed that you are not going to get that second or third date. Problem is, most guys end up making these mistakes without even knowing it.

Here are a few first date tips on what mistakes you should never make:

1. Never make a date with her without putting any thought into it.

If you really want to make a good impression on a woman, then you need to put some thought into the experience for her. I'm not talking about doing some serious planning, but what most guys do is the generic dinner and a movie kind of thing. Well, chances are, every guy that has ever taken her on a date has done that. Why not think out of the box a little and take her somewhere different. One thing is sure if you do, you will stand out.

2. Never make the first date seem like an interview.

It's perfectly fine for you to ask her some questions about herself and get to know her, but there is something wrong with making the first date seem like an interview where she is on the spot. Asking her questions that would come off like you are kind of playing the role of an interviewer will not generate many sparks with her, and it's one of the things that ends up making first dates seem so awkward.

3. Never end the first date without some kind of physical contact, a kiss, or something.

The more times that you see a woman in the context of a date and nothing physical happens, as in a kiss, the more she is going to think of you as being a really nice... friend. Yes, it will get you stuck in the friend zone where you end up going on friendly dates, with no chance of you getting anywhere with her.

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