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Different People Need Different Diets

Different People Need Different Diets

Different People Need Different Diets

We don't often get the kind of feedback to the weekly HealthTip that we received after last week's article on plant-based diets. So, in fairness to everyone who said, "I don't agree" or "Aren't there other options?" or "That's not reasonable"... here's more balanced, reasonable information.

According to those that specialize in metabolic typing, different people need different diets because people have different metabolic types just like they have different body types and different blood types.

Because we are all a bit different from one another biochemically, our bodies function best on different mixtures of fat, protein and carbohydrates. What combination works great for one person may not work for another person and actually cause harm to a third individual.

Seems like there are new best-sellers being published all the time promoting one way of eating and supplementing over others and all of them are full of testimonials about how that particular program did wonders for them. They never talk about all the people who received no results...that's just common sense.

Basic guidelines for healthy eating are just that...basic guidelines and these include:

1. lots of living foods-fruit and vegetables.

2. Some grains

3. Good quality protein

4. Healthy, unsaturated fats

What is clear is that without proper nutrition, the body cannot perform at its best. And, without a properly functioning nervous system, no diet in the world can give as good a result as it could if the body were functioning properly. As a result, the basic building blocks of health include a healthy nervous system, proper diet and nutrition, adequate and appropriate exercise, plenty of pure water, a positive mental attitude, etc. These are the building blocks of a healthy lifestyle.

You should know that metabolic typing considers three basic types of metabolizers:

1. Protein types are also known as "fast oxidizers"

2. Carbohydrate types are also known as "slow oxidizers"

3. Balanced types

And, while there may be other categories, for our purposes here, let's briefly explain the three types:

Fast Oxidizers tend to do better with moreprotein and "good" fat in their diets. They seem to do best, in general, with 3 square meals daily and each of these meals would or may include protein.

Missing meals is generally a "no-no" as this type might get jittery, depressed, faint or irritable if they miss a meal.

Protein Types are carnivorous and generally do not do very well with grains. An example of a poorly planned meal for this metabolic type would be largely grains or carbs with little or no protein or fat. Fast oxidizers would likely feel hungry almost immediately after this type of meal.

Fast Oxidizers tend to make decisions quickly, are often high achievers and are usually "stressed."

What should be becoming obvious is a healthy, grain based or vegetable based meal for a fast oxidizer may be the exact wrong thing for them to eat. So, how can we apply what are considered to be basic good eating habits for someone that should have protein with every meal? One answer just might be to have a salad with every meal also. Our purpose here is to have you, our readers, start thinking in a more health conscious way. We're doing our part...

Vitamin C Found to Improve Mood

Published in the September, 2010 issue of the journal, NUTRITION, researchers found that the benefits of taking simple Vitamin C improved the mood of the participants in the research study. This information adds to the body of knowledge of the value of Vitamin C in the diet and also adds to the growing evidence about the role Vitamin C plays in regulating hormone levels.

Where Does Chiropractic Fit in?

We received lots of questions about where Chiropractic fits in and the answer is simple: A healthy, functioning nervous system controls all other body systems including digestion, assimilation and elimination.

Without proper function, no diet in the world will do as much for you as it could if everything were working as it was designed to.

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