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subject: Everything You Need to Know About Colic Remedies And Colic in Babies [print this page]

Everything You Need to Know About Colic Remedies And Colic in Babies

Everything You Need to Know About Colic Remedies And Colic in Babies

Colic is a medical terminology which describes myriads of circumstances that describes intermittent and intense pain Colic is more commonly seen in babies. Such babies suffer from continuous pain and keep crying.

Symptoms of baby's colic:

Though there are no universally accepted symptoms of the disease but some common symptoms are as follows

* Baby's face turn totally red

* Baby clenches its legs and hands tightly, and its body becomes tense

* The first thing Baby does after its meal is to cry.

Colic remedies

The crying of their child makes parents alarmed. A crying child makes its parents go to any length to calm it down. One in every four newly born child is colic affected. No particular cure exists for this problem. A correct cure or medication is not known even to your doctors. You just have to use some home remedies which are very helpful in this problem. These cures can help solve this menace. Babies should be burped to tide over the disease.` Baby burping and other different techniques will help in solving this problem You can lessen the distress and discomforts of your infant through these old techniques.

Baby massage

Massage your baby to remove his discomfort. Generally, pain in the belly of infants is the reason of their discomforts This pain is caused by gas formation.You just massage the belly and stomach of the infants to get rid of this problem. This technique make baby feel ease and comfort. Baby will stop screaming


Take the baby on a ride or rock him on a chair. The market is flooded with such devices designed for the situation. This will release the babies discomfort.You can easily lessen the discomforts of your baby.Even you can hold your baby in your arms and rock the baby humming a beautiful song. This traditional technique is not only common but also successful in giving some relief to the baby. Many parents also make their babies sleep with this technique.


Truly babies if distracted forget their pain for the moment. Distract the attention of the baby with some interesting noises. This is the best method of stopping a baby from crying.This technique really works and you can apply it whenever you face colic problem.

Some other remedies are use of gripe water, a warm bath etc. There are various methods from which you can choose a way to cure Colic. So if diagnosed and treated properly , Colic can be cured.

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