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subject: Becoming A Professional Forex Trader - Should You Go It Alone? [print this page]

Becoming A Professional Forex Trader - Should You Go It Alone?

Most people who dream of becoming a profitable currency trader opt to learn all the basics by themselves. There is nothing wrong with that but the trouble is that when these same people are ready to develop their own winning trading system, they simply do not have the experience to come up with one.

I myself spent several years learning how to make money from forex trading and it was a long hard journey. I did actually make it in the end as I now have several profitable systems in my armoury, but I lost a lot of money in the process. It was certainly a steep learning curve.

However it is the year 2010 now and I don't think the people who are entering this industry right now need to go down this same path. The truth is that there are a lot of very successful traders out there, so if you are serious about becoming a professional trader yourself, then you just need to find one of these pros and offer to pay them to give you all the training you need.

If you already know all the basics then all the better, because then you only need to find someone who is willing to share with you their top trading methods. This is not that hard to do nowadays because the internet is full of very good traders and there are lots of communities where these people hang out.

For instance there are lots of forums where many of these successful traders gather every day to exchange ideas and share their thoughts on the markets. You just need to join these forums and get to know them. If you're lucky they may be willing to share their systems with you, even if it does come at a price.

Another option is to buy a forex system that has been created by one of these pro traders. This is a little risky because not of these product creators are as genuine as they sound. A lot of them are just marketers rather than traders. However there are some very good ones out there if you do your homework.

You can also look for signal services or chat rooms that are run by full-time traders. These often require regular membership fees but they can be invaluable if the traders share their trading techniques and provide you with live trades throughout the day as they happen.

Anyway the point is that you don't need to go through years of testing and risk losing a lot of money testing out the various different systems that you may come up with. It is so much easier to seek out people who are already making money and pay money to learn from them directly. That way you can start making money right from the start of your forex trading career.

by: John Robertson

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