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A Review Of The Nutrisystem Flex Program

It's a pretty tempting proposition that Nutrisystem is currently making being able to eat pizza, tacos, burgers, and desserts like short cake and cookies for five days of the week and then taking a break from the diet on the weekends. This scenario is possible on the new Nutrisystem Flex program which gives you two days off each week. But, what's the catch with this? What do the weekends really entail and what foods will you eat on your days off? And will you still loseweight? I'll go over the answers to these questions in the following article.

The Only Real Difference Between The Flex Plan and The Regular Nutrisystem Plan Is The Days Off: First off, I have a lot of people who assume that the foods on the flex plan are different. They really aren't. The idea and the diet is really the same. You'll still eat five times per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, a snack, and / or a dessert as long as this equals five total.) You're still asked to add in healthful sides to make sure that you get enough fresh foods and nutrients. You still get the free counseling and education on the company's site.

But, the real difference is that instead of being on the diet for all seven days during the week, you're allowed to take two days off. Most people will take advantage of this over the weekend, but that's not a requirement. You can chose any two days. Weekends sort of lend themselves to the "free days" because people want to enjoy time with their families and have the flexibility to eat at restaurants or away from home if they like.

So, What Are You Supposed To Eat On Your Off Days?: Well, if there's any catch, it's this. You aren't given free reignto eat whatever you wish. You shouldn't make horrible choices or load up on junk food. Remember that Nutrisystem works because it puts your body in a very desirable metabolic state called ketosis. This means that your body begins rapidly burning fat. To get in this state, you need to be limiting your calories and carbs and bumping up your protein and fiber. The company takes care of this on their end because all of the foods are designed with this in mind. You'll have to keep this in mind for your part on the days off.

The company gives you a meal planner with your order that outlines exactly how to stay "safe" during the free days. There's a whole section about eating out and it's pretty specific and clear. It's not horribly restrictive, but you're not really encouraged to gorge yourself on burgers and fries either. As long as you make decent choices, you should remain in ketosis (or at least not get so far out of it that it's difficult to get back on) and continue to lose weight at a decent clip.

I can see the appeal of this for many reasons. Having something to look forward to motivates you to stick it out. Who can't do anything for only five days? And, learning to make good choices on the weekend is a good rehearsal of how life will be when you lose your goal amount of weight and are able to go off the diet and just need to maintain.

Nutrisystem Flex is $100 Cheaper Than The Regular Plan: It's true that this plan is a good deal cheaper, but the reason for this is because you're getting less food. You're gettingmeals for 20 days rather than for 28 days. As I said before the foods are no different. They are just less of them. And, this price is before coupons or specials. The company is always pretty generous with discounts, often offering as much as $100 off or1 2weeks free.

Want to see more free tips or to get the coupons mentioned in this article? Ava's Nutrisystem Review Website features videos, more details on the flex plan, tips, coupons ($100 off or weeks of food for free), comparisons to other popular diets, information on the counseling, and FAQs related to success on this diet. She also offers a free ebook ("Getting The Most Out Of Nutrisystem") to help you get started. You can visit her at

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