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subject: Amega Global – Is The Hype Valid? [print this page]

Amega Global Is The Hype Valid?

At a recent meeting of Amega Business Associates recently comments like these were heard from seasoned network marketers, including those who had been top producers for their previous companies (who had then come to an end for whatever reason, as MLM companies often do):

This is the last opportunity I will need'

The most exciting thing I've ever seen'

So what's it all about? In the words of the CEO, Arun Kemer, Amega Global Business Associates "have the heart, the energy and ability to improve the lives of people."

One of the cornerstone success factors of Amega Global is their proprietary zero point energy (ZPE) technology, Amized Fusion. This renders products such as the wand and pendant, tools that enable the body's bio energetic field to become repaired. Why is this vital? Because sickness begins in this field, and the wand supports the healing ability that is already within us.

Here's an overview of Zero Point Energy (aka Prana, Universal Life Force):

ZPE is the sea of energy that pervades all space. Even in a vacuum there is vibration. ZPE is infinite in any finite volume. This sea of energy condenses so much that physical matter is created (the body, physical objects etc). Matter has a bio energetic field (of which the aura is a part) that is constantly communicating with the wider field of energy. Due to numerous factors, and as we age, this bio energetic field becomes disrupted, and the eventual physical result is sickness. Everything interacts at an energetic level, never at a physical level, and as such, the human body is far too complex to be treated by chemistry (conventional medicine) alone, it must be treated at an energetic level for proper healing. ZPE works at the source of all problems.

What the ZPE products do is repair this bio energetic field, hence why such (relatively) fast and lasting results can be experienced by people using these products. The body's bio energetic field sources ZPE through the products. Amega ZPE products are energised to resonate at ZPE to help the body achieve the homeostatis condition, and they bring all aspects (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual) into balance.

In case you're wondering whether Amega are just like all those companies selling energy products such as nano, scalar and magnetic wands, the answer is a definitive No. Nobody can mimic the Amized Fusion Technology, and all nano, scalar and magnetic wands are NOT ZPE. Amega have pulled down c400 copy cat companies so far, but they say they obviously cannot see to all of them, but the point is no one has the Amized know-how except Amega.

Here are some facts about their background

Offices in 17 countries, 27 offices, 280 staff in MLM, this is huge. And this is just the first phase.

7 manufacturing units around the world

MANY more products to be rolled!! (And many means many...)

Nura Wellness Centre in Kuala Lumpur Few MLM companies have such a mission. Amega plan to open 84 more centres! The Dubai Sheikh has paid $30m for a Nur Centre, and the Singapore government is partnering with Amega to open a Centre what an endorsement!

2 million wands sold so far.

The Amega vision is infectious, it gets one all fired up. Why? Because it is such a perfect opportunity: health and wealth in one. And non-invasively, and holistic to boot. To see people's faces when their pain disappears, or their long-term condition goes, or their operation is no longer required, is priceless. Can't be put into words.

Amega's vision is open to all. Arun Kemer, has said, "If you want to be part of something greater than yourself, if you want to be part of creating a world that is beautiful, then come and join us." This is what their vision includes:

Amega will be a household name by 2012

Be one of the top 10 companies in MLM

Create one million millionaires by 2012 already 80 created (but this is not just about money, but money being a consequence of a good deed', as per Arun's words.)

Have 100 offices worldwide

Set up a Foundation with $100m

Provide support for 10 million families

By 2012 $2.5b turnover (this is massive for a company entering a new geographical area). Amega did not anticipate the runaway success they have had in the US in just the last 6 months. Indications are that UK and Europe are going to follow suit.

The reason why so many are catching the Amega excitement, is because this opportunity fulfils both needs that people have: health and wealth. The products simply work, and not only that it's not about selling the products but sharing them. And amazingly so. The feeling that BAs have is of being part of a big family, and Amega do much to value and respect their distributors because they recognise that without them, there would be no company.

Lastly, here are some parting words from Arun again:

"We have something the world needs."

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