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subject: Keep Your Kids Entertained On A Tight Budget [print this page]

Even with shrinking finances, you should know how to keep your kids entertained on a tight budget. When you are on a saving money spree, you should always keep in mind that you children need fun and happiness in life and for that you will have to make efforts. Local parks are a great way to ensure a healthy and fun time for your children. Take a stroll with your children to the local park, let them enjoy on the swings or just run around with other kids. You can also have a small picnic at the park with friends who can bring their kids along. These parks sometimes hold free events like painting, pet shows and other fun activities. You can also make reading fun for children by taking them to the park and reading with them.

Be sure to visit local town websites that keep posting the current activities going around in your neighborhood. You may find a nearby childrens theatre production where you can take your children. Instead of purchasing expensive books for children, make use of local libraries where you can find entertaining and informational books for children. A visit to the museum is also a good idea to keep your kids entertained on a tight budget. If you have a pool in your house then that can be a great way to keep your children happy. Invite other children over and have small pool parties. You can buy a couple of lemonade mix and cookies and you have your very own pool party for the kids.

If you want, you can make small sport playing areas for the children. If your kid is interested in basketball, attach a hoop in your driveway or backyard. You can also involve your children in gardening. Kids enjoy creating things; arrange small arts and crafts sessions for them; make them paint, cut, paste, draw, sketch or just doodle. You can also let them participate in small cooking sessions where you can supervise them for easy to make food items. This not just keeps the children involved but is also a great way to make them feel they did something valuable.

There are tons of games that you can engage them in, at home without incurring many expenses. Build a fort with pillows and ask them to help. Children would just like to play in the fort for a couple of hours; fascinated that they built something themselves. Games like Tic Tac Toe do not require any expensive material, it is fun and also sharpens your childrens thinking skills. Visit discount stores or clearance sales and stock up with a number of board games. Twister, monopoly, cards are some of the games you can make your children play that guarantee a lot of fun. Hide and Seek is another interesting game that does not require any material. It also keeps you children active and energetic.

by: Lauren James

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