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subject: Speeding Tickets: How Can a Traffic Ticket Lawyer Save You time and Money? [print this page]

Speeding Tickets: How Can a Traffic Ticket Lawyer Save You time and Money?

Got a Speeding or Other Traffic Ticket?

If have you received a speeding or other type of traffic ticket, you are not alone. In many major cities, thousands of traffic tickets are issued every day. With new laws being passed and enforced, your chances of receiving a traffic ticket are as good as ever.

But I Was Speeding. Shouldn't I Just Pay the Fine?

No. In many cases, it can actually cost you less to fight the ticket. When you pay the fine directly to the court, you are automatically pleading guilty and a conviction will appear on your driving record. The implications of this can reach far beyond the fine. Possible effects of this are:

1. Conviction on your driving record.

2. Higher insurance premiums due to being a higher risk to insure.

3. Points added to your driving record that can lead to driver's license suspension.

What Are My Options?

1. Pay your traffic ticket fines directly to the court, receive a conviction on your record, and face the possible consequences listed above.

2. Appear in traffic court on the date listed on your ticket. This is known as the arraignment date and it is when you are expected to appear if you want to dispute your charges.

3. Hire a Traffic Ticket Attorney. In most cases they will appear in court for you so that you do not have to go. By working out their own deals with the court, many of them can handle your ticket in court for less than what it would cost you to pay the ticket fine directly to the court.

How Can A Traffic Ticket Attorney Help?

An attorney who defends traffic tickets can assist you in many ways. In most cases they can represent you in court for you so you are not required to appear. They are very familiar with the Law and procedures used in traffic court. They will work to get your ticket dismissed or get you deferred adjudication so that the ticket does not appear as a conviction on your driving record.

For example, sometimes a ticket lawyer can get case dismissed because there is a defect in the procedure used by the officer or the court. In some cases the traffic lawyer will obtain a deferred adjudication to protect you and your driving record. In some cases the attorney will set your case for trail. With their familiarity with the rules and laws in traffic court, traffic ticket attorneys can let you know what your best options are.

Because aTraffic Ticket Attorney defend more than one client on a given court visit, their fees to defend traffic tickets are very reasonable and affordable. Many attorneys will handle your ticket for the cost of your fine or less. They are able to do this by working out their deal with the court. Often times, a traffic attorney can obtain all of the information needed to handle your case with a simple phone call. This means you don't even have to go into their office for a visit.

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