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Submit Articles Online: How Many Directories For Optimal Results?

Submit Articles Online: How Many Directories For Optimal Results?

One of the main goals of article marketing is to drive traffic to a website by submitting articles to article directories. When you have written one article, should you submit it to one, ten or one hundred directories? Some experts will tell you to submit articles online to one directory only, while others will tell you to submit articles to as many places as possible. Many marketers are confused and don't really know what to do. In this article we are going to show that the best method actually depends on your article marketing strategy.

You can do article marketing only to get traffic to your website via your articles. What happens is people find your article directly on directories or in the search results because your article is ranking, they read it and click through to your website. In this case article marketing gives you traffic. Other marketers do article marketing only for seo purposes, to get backlinks to their websites. The more unique articles they publish, the more quality backlinks they get, and if they are doing a good job, their website content will rank higher and higher in the search results of major search engines. In this case, they do not really bother to get traffic through their articles. Eventually, you can do article marketing both for getting traffic and for seo, meaning you can combine the two strategies discussed before. Each article marketing strategy implies you will submit articles online to a number of directories and here is how.

If you are doing article marketing only for traffic, your best bet is to target dozens of article directories. Indeed, why would you want to publish your articles on dozens of directories? The number one reason is exposure and traffic. If you have one article on two directories, you can only reach a small audience, but if your article appears on 50 websites, you will reach a much wider and diversified audience, and thus drive more traffic to your website. This does not mean, however, that you should be blasting every single article you write to hundreds of directories. Many of them come and go and do not drive enough traffic. Make sure to make a list of directories that is large enough but does not include dead sites that no one visits.

The second benefit of submitting articles to dozens of directories is that your articles get more chances to get re-published. Each time you post an article to a site, webmasters and Ezine publishers can re-publish your content on their websites or in their ezines for free with a backlink to your site (in the resource box of your article). This means more exposure, more traffic from a variety of web properties. Moreover, many of the article directories will also send your articles to their network of publishers, meaning even more traffic for you.

If you are doing article marketing only for SEO, which means you are only after quality backlinks to your site, publishing your content to dozens of directories might not be the best idea. Search engines will only index one page with the same article, which is why so many people out there are using spinning techniques to produce unique variations from a single seed article. One article, one page, one backlink. The best solution would be to publish one unique, high quality article on one single high pagerank authority article directory or website (think of Buzzle, Knol, Ehow, Searchwarp, Ezinearticles, etc.). Of course this is time consuming but really brings in the best results in terms of seo. And in this case you will not need hundreds of backlinks to rank for a mid-competitive keyphrase. However, your best bet is certainly to focus on the top high 10 or 20 best directories.

Now, if you are doing article marketing both for traffic and for SEO, combining the two techniques above will give you the best results. This means you should try to both submit some articles to only a few high quality directories and submit other articles to a wide range of websites. This will mean more traffic from a variety of web properties and ultimately higher search engine rankings for your website.

So as we have just seen, there is no one single answer to the question How Many Directories For Optimal Results. It really depends on your article marketing strategy, and also on the time you have to invest in your article writing (or money if you outsource the writing). You can maximize your results by outsourcing submissions to an article submission service or use an article submission software, while focusing on writing good content.

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