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subject: Drunk Driving Attorney ? A DUI Charge Requires A Top Level Lawyer [print this page]

Drunk Driving Attorney ? A DUI Charge Requires A Top Level Lawyer

Getting arrested with a DUI isn't the end of the world, although it can sure feel like it. What you really need right now is a great drunk driving attorney to clean up the big mess you made.Now, you may feel as if you were caught red-handed and that you're going to get a stiff sentence no matter what, but the fact is that the law in the U.S. goes above and beyond to protect all of our citizens from wrongful arrest, in other words we have an amazing amount of rights.The way U.S. law is written, especially with regard to laws surrounding arrests, puts a huge amount of pressure on the prosecution (the district attorneys) to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that someone has committed a crime. A good drunk driving attorney knows this and they know all the different ways in which cases might be dismissed or sentences might be reduced if certain rights were violated. These specialized lawyers are highly skilled and cangenerally get almost anyone out of a very tight space.For example, a misdemeanor first offense in the state of California, somebody convicted of a DUI will receive a maximum of one year in prison and fines into the thousands of dollars. A felony DUI or a DUI in which a minor is involved will include much more severe penalties. Felony DUI generally occurs when there is bodily injury involved in an accident, property damage, aggravating behavior, or the accused has a prior felony conviction. These are general outlines, but that should help you to realize the initial score if you're in doubt about the charges against you.It's important that you consult an expert DUI lawyer right away and without delay, as these skilled professionals will work within this system for your benefit and will begin implementing a prudent procedural strategy right from the get go.In fact, if you speak to a lawyer within 10 days of your arrest they will probably be able to intervene in your Administrative Per Se (A.P.S.) from the DMV and save your driver's license from being automatically suspended. It's things like this and more that a great drunk driving attorney can do for you. But, you've got to act fast.Act fast, but be diligent, of course. Don't hire the very first attorney that you speak with, interview at least three attorneys and see which one has the most experience and knowledge. After asking a few questions, it should be pretty obvious which one is the best. Then, and only then, should you pull the trigger.The attorney you hire, if you hire a great one, will give you the best chances of getting your case thrown out or dramatically reducing your sentence. When it's all said and done, you'll thank your lucky stars that you hired a knowledgeable professional. These attorneys aren?t inexpensive, but they will generally save their clients thousands of dollars in fines and obviously keep them from seeing any jail time. So, their services are worth every penny, wouldn't you agree?Always hire a local drunk driving attorney, someone that knows the local laws and someone who has been around the local system, knows the judges and prosecutors, etc. These attorneys will maximize your ability to get your case dismissed, avoid jail time, and save you thousands in fines.

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