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Watch Samoa Vs Ireland 13th November Rugby Live Online

Watch Samoa Vs Ireland 13th November Rugby Live Online

"Shall we watch Samoa vs Ireland 13th November rugby live online together? We can logon to and in two shakes of a mouse, er, button, make that clicks, we can be wherever this game is being played and have ourselves a ripping good time."

"Wherever the game is being played? You mean to tell me that you don't know where the game is being played?"

"I'm reasonably sure, make that positive, that the game will be played on a regulation rugby pitch, but outside of that, no I do not. But that makes no difference to our being able to watch Samoa vs Ireland 13th November rugby live online."

"How can that be?"

""Perhaps you didn't hear the last part of my invitation to watch Samoa vs Ireland 13th November rugby live online. So, I'll repeat. Online. As in on my PC, which is hooked up to the internet. The internet, the web, the thing that makes short shrift of time and space. It doesn't matter where the game is being played. We will be in the cozy confines of my den. In front of my PC. With any luck, cuddled into the depths of my designer couch. A glass of wine, my internet connection and thou. Can there be a better way to watch Samoa vs Ireland 13th November rugby live online at I think not."

"You know I didn't know that rugby is played in Samoa. I don't know why, but that surprises me."

"My dear, rugby has been played in Samoa, officially, since 1924. Yes rugby is played in Samoa. As a matter of fact, the 15,000 or so people, senior and junior levels, involved in rugby represent a fair proportion of the less than 200,000 population of that island nation. I think you will enjoy yourself when you watch Samoa vs Ireland 13th November rugby live online. Plucky team from second tier rugby playing nation takes on founding member of International Rugby Board. I mean, this is the stuff of Hollywood movies. In fact, from the bits and pieces of information that gets out, [Rugby is not extensively, or even minimally, covered by my local sporting press], the Samoan National team has been making quite an impression in this 2010 season. Shaking up some of their bigger, more experienced, read Australia and New Zealand, neighbors."

"You interest me, friendly stranger. I hadn't considered it before, but I think I just might join you on that couch to watch Samoa vs Ireland 13th November rugby live online."

"You gladden my heart, oh sylph-like siren of the south seas, [Kanyakumari counts as the south seas, ok?], I look forward to the 13th of November with bated breath. Breath that has been cleansed and mouth washed to a fare thee well, I hasten to add. And, on that date, when we are logged on to to watch Samoa vs Ireland 13th November rugby live online I shall register us and get access to watch upcoming rugby matches Online."

"You are mad, mad, I tell you but I cannot resist."

Watch Samoa Vs Ireland 13th November Rugby Live Online now by visiting

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