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Money Saving Tips For Your Wedding Day

The average wedding is reported to cost more than 20,000 and for many brides and grooms this is money that they do not have. Money saving tips brings you tips and alternative solutions to have your big day on a budget.

Everybody wants to know where they will be getting married, where the reception will be, who will design Kates' wedding dress, who's invited, who will make the cake, where they are going on honeymoon and who will pay for the big day? Any designer or supplier asked by the happy couple to assist would drop everything to be involved. Not every bride and groom is as fortunate as Prince William and Kate. Most engaged couples planning a big day will be doing it on a budget and they will be looking to save some money. The average wedding costs around 20,000 today so any savings would be welcome.

So here are a few frugal tips worth considering.

Instead of buying a new wedding dress why not have a wedding dress made for you by some you know? This can often work out much cheaper than a designer dress. Have a look on eBay or in a charity shop. Often the larger charity shops have a designer rail and the clothes that are donated are often in pristine condition. Dresses sold on eBay will have only been worn once.

Many coules will have lived with their partners before getting married. Many Couples will already be living together and will have microwaves, toast and a kettle, etc. A wedding list is a great way of asking your guests to contribute towards the wedding day itself. You might like to ask for a bouquet of flowers for the bride, a cake for the reception, the bridesmaid dress, the wedding car, the honeymoon holiday, etc.

Church weddings can be expensive. The vicar will want paying for the church, the choir, the heating and the bell ringers. You may not be reglious. Church weddings are seen as 'very yesterday' for some couples and are not modern and trendy. Wedding ceremonies held in a Registry office are an alternative. Even more popular for the new millennium, weddings can now take place in public places (providing they have a licence) for example, hotels, a capsule on the London Eye, you can even arrange the ceremony to take place on Concorde and have the reception in the Concorde hanger.

For the Luncheon Reception after the marriage service you could ask the guests to bring a plate of food for a cold buffet and everyone could bring a bottle or two and some beers. You could provide the sparkling wine for the toast and the gifts for the bridesmaid, the best man, the brides' parents and the grooms' parents.

You could hold your evening reception at home, the local pub or at a friend's house. You can always go to your favourite night club and invite your family and friends. You will of course have to share the venue with the other night club revellers.

After having saved money on your wedding day you could splash out on your honeymoon night in an expensive hotel with a four poster bed or you could both fly off for a weeks sunshine honeymoon after the luncheon reception saving you money on not having an evening reception.

Whatever you decide remember it's your big day and you don't need to follow tradition. It is important that you and your partner discuss your plans with both sides of the family. It's your friends and your family that will help to make your wedding day a day to remember.

Leave your thoughts and experiences below about how to have a great day on a budget whilst saving money.

by: Mark Aucamp

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