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How To Find Local News Online

With newspapers quickly becoming a thing of the past, more people every day are getting their local news from online websites. Fortunately, it isnt only the big cities that have websites with this information on them; there are now plenty of even the smallest towns across the country that have websites dedicated to the residents and visitors who visit. If you are looking for an easy and quick way to get the local news headlines and goings on in your area, regardless of where you live chances are that there will be plenty to find.

All good news sites are going to have to be updated constantly. News that is old or outdated just is not news, it is at that point history. Current events, regardless of whether they are local, national or global, have to be just that- current! When you are on the Internet doing a search for one of these websites that offers information about your area, the very first thing you need to do is to make sure that you see something that lets you know that the content they are putting up is updated. Some sites will have a little ticker at the top of each page or the home page that tells you the date that the site was last updated.

The best websites are always going to show that it was updated on the current day that you are viewing it. Other sites will not have the little ticker, but will have the date and sometimes the time next to each story to tell viewers when that was added. Make sure that you see the current date on some of the stories that are on the home page of the websites. You can then be sure that you are getting fresh news and not old history.

It is just going to take some snooping around to find a website for local news that has everything you are looking for; this is especially true if you live in a larger city and are looking for a lot of information or very specific information. Sometimes if users use a search engine to find current events websites, they will appear in the search results with users ratings so that you can see which ones are the most popular and which ones you might want to take a look at first. If all else fails, you can always get on the websites that are of the local television news stations and get local news that way, but keep in mind that these websites often have excellent links to other local current events websites that you might find are right up your alley.

by: Phoenix Delray

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