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subject: Is The 7 Figure Factor A Scam? [print this page]

What's going on?

About two hours ago I just purchased Mike Dillard and John Seiferth's new product called The 7 Figure Factor, and I thought I would just take a second here and tell you about it.

When Mike Dillard comes out with something new, there usually isn't too much question as to whether or not it's worth the money.

In all honesty, it's been a long time since I have even read one of Mike's sales letters, that is unless I am trying to get better at writing one for myself.

There wasn't really any hesitation, but I am a trusting person, and I understand that some people just don't have that same sense of trust, so here is the 7 Figure Factor review.

Now I can be a pretty prideful person. I kind of think I know everything. What can I say? I'm just that good (not really). Anyways, I noticed real fast that the videos were going to be about to think properly, which I thought that I already knew about.

I think that I have the right mindset. I think that I think like millionaire. Before the video started I honestly didn't think I was going to learn much at all. I figured I already knew what he was going to say, but I mean what's 40 bucks?

I have spent more money than that on a bad meal. I might as well see what it's about. If I learned one simple technique in this video that made eighty bucks, I would have double my investment. Find me a stock broker that can do that :).

So I got out my notepad just in case, even though I figured "ah I won't need to write anything down".

Twenty minutes into the video I realized that I had already taken a page of notes, and I found a mistake in business that was literally costing me thousands that I had never noticed before.

What the 7 Figure Factor pointed out to me really more than anything else was just that one mistake.

It's a mistake that I'm sure thousands of people are making, and I'm sure it's costing them thousands as it did me.

It might seem like something that wouldn't be a big deal to you, but trust me it's HUGE.

Here she' is:

I pay attention to details. Yeah I said it. I am a "control" freak. I don't just pay attention to them, I am crazy over them. I can't move on to my next project until my last one is completely perfect.

Then after I would finish my project, I would fall in love with it 110%, and quite frankly it began to ruin me.

This is what would happen.

I would go grab a coffee and sit there for hours on end creating this work of art: A lead capture page. The background color alone would stump me for a couple of hours. That thing had to look perfect. "Hmmm.. That gray needs be just a little bit darker. No no, even darker. Maybe just add a little bit more black. O god, that's way too dark. Hmm.. I kind of liked it real dark. Let's see that one more time".

That was me! I mean just hours of a dang background color! That doesn't include writing the script for the video, actually making the video, writing the headline, writing the words right above the opt-in form, and designing the graphics for the page.

I mean we are literally talking days of perfecting. There was only one teeny weeny problem besides the fact that I was wasting my life away, I wasn't even thinking about what the customer wanted. I wasn't thinking about what anybody else wanted for that matter. I only cared about how I liked it.

The crazy thing about it was, I wasn't trying to sell anything to myself. I didn't need me to put my name and email address in a form. I already had that information. Everybody else does.

This isn't even the worse part!

The worse part about this whole nightmare of a week was, I absolutely fell in love with this web page after I had finished it. If it weren't just a little bit creepy to ask websites to marry you, I probably would have proposed.

Creepy I know, but oh so true.

I'm not saying it's wrong to like your work by any means, but I forgot about the most important part of internet marketing: TESTING.

I just couldn't stand the fact of testing this capture page against any of the others that I had made. I did not want a single letter to change on that web page. The first thing that really set off an inner alarm was when I dished out five hundred bucks in a PPC campaign to maybe make back two hundred at most. That kind of stuff just happens. I was never angry at myself or anyone else for that matter, but it was just something so simple. I should have realized it sooner.

You see the ad that I put on Adwords had to do with joining a team, which hey that's a good thing.

Usually when people directly type a name of a company into Google, they are either looking for that one last assurance that the company is not a scam, or they are looking for a leader to join. So my ad about joining a team was pretty good. It got clicks at least.

So I had an "awesome" capture page, and a good ad, but the ad and the capture page didn't relate.

You see my capture page was talking about that company not being a scam, which hey I mean, I'm sure somebody wants to hear that. The only problem was the person clicking on the team ad wanted to hear about a team, and not the company.

I ruined myself and it took me WAY to long to realize why.

by: Landon Stewartt

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