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Three Steps to Make Money Online Every Beginner Should Read

Three Steps to Make Money Online Every Beginner Should Read

There really is no secret formula to making money online. There is no exclusive, expensive club you need to join, no holy grail of forbidden knowledge off-limits to all but a handful of "gurus". In any business, online or off, there are basic procedures you must follow to be successful. Making money online is actually easier than in the "Real World", and anybody can do it with a little practice. I'm going to share with you three simple steps you can take today to set you on the path to making $5,000 or more each and every month.

Before I lay out the steps you need to take to make money online, I will describe a couple of things you most certainly should not do. Unfortunately these are things that many people learn the hard way, after paying $67 for a course that promised to make them thousands of dollars, and instead only made them $67 poorer. I speak from painful experience here, as I have spent far more than $67 over the years on methods that didn't work.

Don't pay good money to learn about secret loopholes and backdoors to getting internet traffic and making money, they simply don't exist. Sometimes they do exist, but they are actually a hack or an exploit, and at best you will get your sites banned from Google, at worst you could get into some real legal trouble.

There is no magic button. No matter what the sales page may say, nobody can sell you a method that will make you $50,000 a month overnight with no effort on your part. It is entirely possible to make $50,000 a month and even more online, many people do, but they all work for it. There are some shortcuts that actually work and I will list one of those in the first step to making money below.

Okay, now that I got the negative stuff out of the way, I'll show you how to make a comfortable living online, and I can sum it up in just three easy steps. Are you ready?

Educate Yourself. You don't have to go back to college, or take correspondence courses or anything like that. You do need to learn the basics of internet marketing before you waste time and money trying to re-invent the wheel. There are a few very good, very complete courses out there that can take you from knowing nothing about the internet to making more money each month than you thought possible, and do it in a very short time. Unfortunately you have to sort the wheat from the chaff, and find the real hidden gems amongst all the fools gold. Fortunately I have done the research for you, check the link in my signature at the end of this article to discover the only course I recommend to people starting out, as well as seasoned marketers.

Take Action Today. If you were given a machine that turned every quarter you put in it into a hundred dollar bill, would you stuff it under the bed to keep the dust bunnies company, or would you use it until you wore it out? I know what I would do, but many people learn exactly what they need to do in order to make money online, and instead of working that knowledge until their bank account cries for mercy, they lose it on their hard drive and go off searching for something with a bigger promise. Learn the system and take consistent, daily action. If you do this, you will be successful, it's just the way this universe seems to work.

Wash, Rinse and Repeat. Once you make your first $100 from Google adSense, or your first $45 affiliate sales from Clickbank, pat yourself on the back and immediately repeat the exact steps you just took. If your money came from building a handful of small adSense sites, then build an armful of them. If your profits were made with a Pay-Per-Click campaign on Google adWords, then duplicate that campaign on Yahoo and MSN. Stay focused, don't spend that first $100 on some gurus course promising to turn that $100 into $100,000. Put that money back into the system that you know works.

So in conclusion, stay away from promises that sound too good to be true, they are. There are no shortcuts or loopholes to making sustainable money online. You are going to have to put in some effort and a small investment, but in a short time it will pay off.

Even after you have made your first $50,000, never stop learning, just make sure what you are learning is solid, practical advise. If you understand the fundamentals to making money online, and seriously apply yourself to your new business, you will succeed, you will make money, and you will feel good about having earned it.

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