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subject: "UniqueHoodia review" – my result and what do I honestly think [print this page]

"UniqueHoodia review" my result and what do I honestly think

Heard a lot about UniqueHoodia? I never believe in a product unless I try it myself and I'm satisfied with it. I'm a stay at home mom, I love eating and have this nasty habit of eating every 2 hours! Not that I eat a lot but I mostly eat junk foods you know what I mean and I hate doing exercises. As a result I started putting weight I knew I had to lose.

I knew hoodia gordonii is good when it's about losing some weight and keeping you fresh. Heard a lot about pure south african uniquehoodia from friends, cbs, cnbc and family. African tribal people eat Hoodia Gordonii for long hunting days to avoid feeling hungry, TV crews do the same during filming in desert for days and have to eat less. Studies show Hoodia Gordonii has some incredible weight loss ability.

I was so interested that I searched online, figured couple of pills that contain hoodia gordonii but something about UniqueHoodia in this UniqueHoodia review got my attention. That UniqueHoodia review mentioned it contains 495mg of unaltered hoodia gordonii which is market high and is free from fillers or extracts! This is like taking farm fresh hoodia gordonii everyday even if you bought month ago so I decided to try it out and now I'm doing this honest UniqueHoodia review!

My result

I was pretty pissed for 2 weeks straight as nothing noticeable happened (I forgot body takes time to react)! I actually thought UniqueHoodia is another scam and there's no way it could work. However after 3 weeks the results started to kick in, I lost around 3lbs! I wasn't sure if it was UniqueHoodia so I decided to continue taking the pill and the next week I lost another pound! I lost big after two months of UniqueHoodia. I look a lot better now and you can almost feel the energy you have.

The cons

UniqueHoodia is costly! Hoodia gordonii is a rare plant produced in very limited quantity in south africa thus the cost is higher, you cannot buy more than 6 months of UniqueHoodia supply and you are limited to only one order per person (you can re-order)! Some of the cheaper alternatives contain hoodia gordonii extracts which won't do anything but create a hole in your pocket, Uniquehoodia is unaltered HoodiaGordonii. Read uniquehoodia review to find out more details

Despite the cons it's a good product, does what it promises. If you are smart (that I know you are) you should try uniquehoodia and see for yourself.

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