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subject: What Is The Cabbage Soup Diet And Does It Work? [print this page]

The cabbage soup diet has been around for a while now and there are many who swear by its effectiveness. But what is this magic soup and what does it do exactly? The cabbage soup legend says that one can lose 10 pounds in 7 days. While the figure seems a bit hard to attain, barring extreme strain on the body, judging by the soup's ingredients (and calorie count), it would make sense that anyone using it for sustained periods of time would stand to lose quite a few pounds.

The ingredients of the cabbage soup vary from source to source, but the general consensus is that it should contain cabbage and a few other vegetables in small quantities, in order to make the soup taste good. You can also add some salt and some flavoring agents to make it a bit more interesting. The soup is supposed to be eaten three or more times a day, coupled with a good water intake, as with any diet. The soup will make you feel full without actually offering any (or very few) of the nutrients your body needs.

One recipe is as follows:

One shredded head of cabbage

Two shredded carrots

Two stalks chopped celery

One chopped onion

One cup of chopped parsley

Two quarts of water

Mix all ingredients and simmer for at least an hour. It's permissible to add 3 or 4 bullion cubes for flavoring. Another variation calls for canned tomatoes to be added. Eat one cup of the soup every two hours or so. Some people prefer to strain out the veggies and just drink the broth.

In many ways, this is very similar to a crash diet, both in the way it works and as far as side-effects are concerned. Many seem to report feeling light headed, low on energy and having decreased power of concentration during the diet, and of course, the weight you lose during this kind of diet will easily be gained again unless you are extremely careful. That being said, many seem to say that the cabbage soup diet represented the solution for their weight-loss issues, and that any inconvenience they might have experienced during was fully worth it.

In the end, whether or not you choose to go through with this diet is up to you, just make sure you weigh all the pros and cons beforehand.

This is not intended to be medical advice. See your doctor before starting any weight loss program

by: Dee Power

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