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subject: Estimated 14,000 People Start Their Own Home- Based Business. Why? [print this page]

Estimated 14,000 People Start Their Own Home- Based Business. Why?

Second, there are people who simply are not reaching their

financial goals. They may work outside of the home full- or

part-time, yet their vision of financial success remains

elusive. Perhaps they want to buy a new home, go on their

dream vacation, or start a nest egg for their children's

education. A home-based business that takes only a few hours

a week can quickly help them reach their financial goals.

Third, there are those who are looking for a second income

in order to achieve their goal of retiring early. For them,

a home-based business is like an automatic builder, giving

them extra money to invest and save for retirement.

Fourth, there are people who, for religious reasons, are

home schooling their children and who seek a Christian

home business that aligns with their beliefs while producing

the income they need.

Fifth, there are those who have a long history in multilevel

marketing (MLM) and networking, and understand that a

tremendous amount of money can be made with the right


A quick Internet search will turn up thousands of home-based

business opportunities. How, then, do you find one that is

both legitimate and that will bring you the financial rewards

you seek? Here are some tips:

* Find a company that has a proven track record. Ideally,

the company has customers in dozens of countries and has

been profitable for at least several years.

* Find a company that promotes a product that has a built

-in customer base. Today, that means products that cater

to the baby boomers. In fact, the wellness, preventative

health, and anti-aging industries are uniquely positioned

to serve that generation, thousands of who turn 60 each


* The company should offer a free 30-day trial period,

as well as provide support and training.

* Internet-based opportunities should offer free information

on how to successfully market your business on the Internet.

* Home-based businesses that work primarily through the

Internet should act like an automatic builder, doing 90

percent of the work for you, without you having to generate

your own leads.

by: aas1

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