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subject: Meeting The Parents - Ways To Take The Stress Out Of Meeting Parents Of The Woman You Are Dating [print this page]

Meeting The Parents - Ways To Take The Stress Out Of Meeting Parents Of The Woman You Are Dating

So you have been dating for a few weeks and she invites you to meet her parents. Are you nervous? If you aren't a little nervous you are crazy. This is a big step and people are taking it sooner than they used to in years past. How do you survive meeting her Mom and Dad? I had to do this not too long ago and here are the ways I made it through without getting skinned alive.

Be friendly and smile.

One of the best ways to get someone to like you is to smile at them. Guys we act like smiling is about as much fun as pulling teeth. You need to get in front of a mirror and learn to smile. You will look back and be shocked how far this has taken you. Some of the ways first impressions are built are: how the person smiles, their body language, and whether or not you maintain good eye contact. Score an A+ in all of these areas. Meeting her parents is a lot like a job interview, only more important.

Make sure to only give the parent the attention that they deserve.

Don't chase a person in conversation, take notice if one parent is pulling away from talking to yoou. Focus on the other people who are talking, backing away yourself. You will never catch a person who is running away from talking to you, you will only push them further away. If your conversation with the other people becomes interesting enough they will be compelled to get back in despite your being a part of it.

Be honest and be yourself.

Now this doesn't mean the first time you meet them that you need to tell them about your long string of felony arrests, that was me trying to get a laugh! What you do need to do is answer any questions they have honestly. If you don't this will turn into a big problem later on. Be yourself, let them get to know the real you. It becomes very obvious to parents when a guy is putting on to impress them. Just be yourself, if you weren't a man of value she would have never brought you to meet them.

Meeting a woman's Mom and Dad can be a little bit nerve-wracking, I mean have you ever seen the movie "Meet The Parents"? Hopefully if you follow these tips you will be successful and make a great first impression. Just think you might be sitting around eating dinner at Christmas with these people soon!

by: Jason C Maxwell

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