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subject: Role of a MPLS divorce lawyer in case of spousal maintenance [print this page]

Role of a MPLS divorce lawyer in case of spousal maintenance

Earlier married women were financially dependent upon their husbands. Gone are the days when only the husband was the bread owner in a family. With a drastic change in the lifestyle of so many people's lives, even women have started working. Hence, when a couple is divorced either one of the parties can provide financial support to the one who has no source of income. This does not take place smoothly in some cases. This is when a MPLS divorce lawyer plays an important role. One of the main areas that attorneys deal with in their day to day lives is spousal maintenance. It is also referred to as 'alimony 'or 'spousal support'.

Sometimes, you might not be sure if divorce is the only solution to end your marital relationship, especially if you are not educated or unemployed. If you are employed, then providing financial assistance to your ex- marital partner after divorce can be frustrating. The issues involved in spousal maintenance can be resolved smoothly only with the assistance of a MPLS divorce lawyer. In case you are a person who needs spousal support, then the attorney's duty lies in protecting your rights and interests. On the other hand, if you are responsible for providing spousal support, then the attorney should ensure that you are bound to pay only a reasonable and fair amount of money.

Spousal support is not given based on gender as both men and women have equal status and pay scale in a work environment. The court takes into consideration the needs of the person who is bound to get spousal support and the ability of the spouse who offers such support. Spousal maintenance falls under two categories temporary and permanent. Temporary spousal maintenance comes to an end once the recipient gets a job or until he or she becomes financial sound. On the other hand, permanent spousal support ends when the recipient dies or gets married again. If any modifications need to be done, then the MPLS divorce lawyer whom you have hired will assist you with it.

The amount of support payment and the duration will be decided by the court based on few factors. After taking into consideration particular factors the court will decide whether or not spousal maintenance needs to be provided. There's no guarantee that the spouse who offers support payment can afford to pay till a certain period of time. The person's earning capacity can be affected due to losing a job or it can be due to serious health problems. In cases such as these, the spousal maintenance gets terminated. On the other hand, if the recipient hits a jackpot where he or she inherits huge amount of money, then the support payments can be adjusted. The MPLS divorce lawyer whom you hire will be able to give you realistic options.

Brown Family Law is a Minneapolis divorce law firm focusing on Divorce and Family Law cases. Our MPLS Divorce lawyer represent clients throughout Minneapolis and the Twin Cities area. Call or contact us or visit our Blog - - for advice and guidance in contested divorce, uncontested divorce, child custody cases, child support, and more.

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