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Moving With Children Sensitively

Moving can be a tremendous task and very stressful on its own. It can be even more stressful if you have to worry about your children and how they will make the transition between your old town and the new.

It is very important to consider your children and their feelings when you are thinking about moving. The first thing you should do when you are thinking about moving is have a family meeting.

Bake a delicious family favorite for dinner or order pizza like normal. Your family meeting should not be surrounded by suspense, worry, or formality.

Instead, let the dinner conversation begin as normal. Then, you or your spouse should explain why you are considering moving or if the plan is already set why you are moving.
Moving With Children Sensitively

It may be because of a new job, a promotion, a better location, a more affordable home, and so forth. Be sure to present the idea with enthusiasm and excitement instead of trepidation and worry about how they will react.

Be sure to tell them how you feel about the move as well. Then, give them time to think about it and tell you what their worries are about it.

If this is the first time moving it is going to be a new experience for everyone in the family. Talk to them about your first moving experience when you were young and how you were able to make new friends.

In addition, make your children feel important by stating that you are relying on their help in order to make this move. Tell them that their help will be needed with packing, watching younger children, and settling in to a new home.

If you can, take your family to visit the new home. This will allow your children time to think about it and to make plans for how they want to set up their bedrooms.

They will also be able to visualize moving into the new home instead of simply moving out of the old and beloved one. If you have not yet decided on a home, let your children have a say in which one you choose.

Take them to visit all of the homes or show them pictures of the homes and describe the neighborhoods and other things thoroughly. When you make a decision and when you have the house for sure, have a little celebration with your family to add excitement about the new home.

As your get ready to pack, make sure your children know that unnecessary things or junk will need to be thrown away as everything will not be able to be moved. Help them sort through their things and throw them out.

Reassure them that you are not going to throw away everything and be sensitive when they show feelings of attachment to things you view as junk. Your children may be more open to selling objects rather than simply throwing them out or giving them away.

Tell your children they will get some of the sales money or decide on an object that the whole family wants to purchase with the money. Of course, you will not be able to sell the move to your children if you do not know anything about the place you are moving to.

The unknown is scary and it is something that children will back away from if they are asked to approach it. Instead find out everything you can about the new place and share all of it with them.

You do not want the new place to sound better than it is because your children will only end up disappointed and they will not trust you about how things will turn out in the future. Allow your children time and resources to do their own research and to look things up about the new place.

You may be surprised by what they are concerned about in the new place. One of the things that will probably excite your children the most is the opportunity for them to make plans for how they want to decorate their room.

Plan ahead who will be in which room. Older children could be given some money to decorate their own room with.

Younger children will have a vision of how they see their room, but you will have to implement it as best you can. Remember to sensitive to the concerns of your children, even if it is a move across town or even across the street.

by: Jack Landry

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