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subject: Duck Housing - Create The Housing Needs Condition That Ducks Require To Thrive And Survive [print this page]

Duck Housing - Create The Housing Needs Condition That Ducks Require To Thrive And Survive

Ducks have housing needs and it is important that one be able to create the conditions that it needs to thrive and survive. It should be comfortable and at the same, be able to protect them from harm. If you have ducks but do not know how to house them, the wisest thing to do would be to research about it. There are many different kinds of duck housing systems and it is up to you to determine which of them suits your needs and preference, and that of your ducks as well.

The Small Home Flock is a kind of duck housing where ducks are kept in a large piece of land secured by a fence. The structures inside are simple enough, all you need to do is provide a partially enclosed shed, wooden feeder troughs, and a waterer. If possible, you can include a small pool inside so that the ducks have somewhere to paddle in. The ideal location for this kind of housing should be on a high land so that there is good drainage. If possible, use sandy soil for the yard because it dries quickly when wet. You should also ensure that the floor be covered with quick-absorbent materials such as wood shavings and straw. Ducks lay eggs anywhere and there should be plenty of cushioning to ensure that the eggs do not break. If there are predators in the area, also see to it that the fences are locked tight during nighttime so your ducks are protected.

Since ducks love water, housing them on open ponds is another type of duck housing. There should be a shelter nearby, however, so they can have somewhere to dry themselves. A modified version of this housing is the use of floating canopies or miniature houses as shelter for the ducks. This way, if they want to swim in water, all they need to do is waddle outside. The drawback of floating canopies is that only a limited number of ducks can be kept in the miniature shelter. In fact, most of the time, it can only house one. If you have a rather large flock, then it would be wise to consider other options.

Another type of housing is the traditional one where in a duck house is provided for the ducks. They can be kept inside all day and night or left free to roam during daytime, depending on the preference of the duck owners. They can be made of wood and other materials and should come equipped with feeding troughs and waterers.

The type of duck housing you choose should be catered for the specific needs of your ducks.

by: Mary Louise

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