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subject: Meet Matt Bacak Of Mass Money Makers [print this page]

All over the web you can find affiliate marketers ramping up for the launch of the new affiliate marketing product from Matt Bacak and Alen Sultanic called Mass Money Makers. There's a LOT of buzz about this thing, but why so much? It all comes back to the two men involved. Today we'll look at Matt Bacak, Internet Marketer of the Year 2010.

Matt has involved in Internet Marketing for more than eight years now. While the Atlanta resident may have had humble beginnings as the son and grandson of a steelworker, his stealthy marketing strategies and techniques have earned him the designation of Best Selling Author, one who also happens to possess a fan-base of over 300k dedicated followers in his niche.

While Matt is mostly known for his success with and impact on Internet Marketing, he first found success elsewhere. Matt experienced remarkable success in the real estate, stock, and tax niches. Matt doesn't always talk about his various companies, so many people are probably not aware that back in 2006, one of his companies - a hosting company - was among the top 5 fastest growing hosting companies in the world, according to Host Reviews. In fact, they actually beat out GoDaddy that year. Its also interesting to note that Matts hosting companys data center was nestled in with some pretty impressive folks - Google, which had a development center there, and AutoTrader which was next door. Hows that for rubbing shoulders with success?

With his ever increasing experience and a tenacious zeal for knowledge, Matt successfully started many multi-million dollar businesses, and in the process garnered a lot of attention. Soon he was highly sought after as a mentor and teacher. Over the years, his obvious success, not to mention kind spirit - has drawn a loyal following of students, many of whom are among the whos who in Internet and Affiliate Marketing today.

But it wasnt always easy for Matt. In fact he readily states that he had two big mental roadblocks to overcome.

The first roadblock of his own making was Matts belief that he was too young. Matt felt like everyone had always been telling him he was too young, whether it was when he was 12 and kicking around the idea of starting a business or at 16 or 18. It didnt matter exactly what age it was, but he distinctly remembered a recurring theme in his young life You cant do that. Youre too young and shouldnt be thinking about such things. You should be out having fun. Matt overcame that roadblock the day he realized he didnt want to go from being Too young to one day being Too old. Matt realized he had to stop listening to what everyone else believed he should or shouldnt do and lead instead with his own heart and head.

The second mental roadblock? As silly as it sounds, Matt believed hed be a failure if he graduated from college! Yes, you read that right. You see, in his youth, Matt was always reading books about highly successful people and it seemed to him that in these books, books by people like Bill Gates - that they never seemed to finish school. Further, Matt says that he couldnt really think of anyone who had graduated from college that was a huge success, at least not the kind of success he wanted to be. And while he might have really liked to have quit college, Matt did end up graduating (albeit a bit reluctantly after having been challenged by his father to finish.) Matt recalls that day as one of the saddest days in his life at that time. He really thought he wasnt going to be a success now. Until he really thought about it and realized what a load of crap hed told himself all along. It was a ridiculous notion and totally unfounded and once Matt realized that - he was freed from it.

Whats the point?

We all have our own crazy issues and beliefs. We have to face them head-on and see them for what they really are before we can ever overcome them. Is it scary? Yes. Is it worth it in the end? You decide.

The biggest thing that holds people back is fear.

When asked about his advice to aspiring affiliate or internet marketers, Matt replied, Find out what people want, go get it, and give it to them. And find something you have a passion for and go for it. That passion will drive you to become even more successful.

And speaking of what people want, that's why affiliates are already jockeying for position sell Mass Money Makers, most promising incredible bonuses if you buy the program through them. Another reason Mass Money Makers promises to be so successful is due to Matt's partner, Alen Sultanic, a marketer who has for years often been a crucial part of many multi-million dollar launches, but always preferred to stay out of the limelight until more recently. Don't mistake what some may call a lack of notoriety for insignificance or a lack of proven success. Those 'in-the-know' commonly refer to Alen as the 'Million Dollar Launch Master' and for good reason. A self made internet millionaire himself, Alen truly knows his stuff. This dynamic duo is sure to put out something incredible.

For more information, check out this review:

by: Jenn Harrison

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