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The Guru Code Review

If you're like me, I came to the internet in hopes of creating a steady income that would support myself and my family. I fell into the guru trap of believing the claims that say you can make $100k in 1 hour. Looking back I now know how truly nave I was to think that. I mean, come onhow stupid do we look? How can these gurus wrap us up in their hype and somehow convince us to buy their latest and greatest product? The bottom line is that they have a killer marketing strategy including a website optimized to focus on our weak points, a loyal following that, for some reason, think they are internet gods, and a ton of money to dump on advertising.

Wellenough is enough

The Guru Code is a different product. It exposes the gurus and their strategies and focuses less on hype and more on making you money. Now, I was skeptical at first because this thing looked like all the others. A pumped up sales page, claims of this and that, and so onBUTthis product is different.

The guy that developed The Guru Code, David Saba, is an up and coming internet marketer. This guy rocks and I have actually had run ins with him before in different sites around the internet. He has offered up sound advice and I have learned a few things from him. So now that his product is releasedman, I'm excited!

Luckily this thing starts out strong. It costs less than $40 and is chalk full of methods, ideas, and sound advice that the big names in internet marketing fail to give out. I put into place a few of the methods given in the book and was easily able to get an outstanding return on investment from it. The trick is, and really the trick to most internet marketing products, is that you have to follow thru with it.

Many times people fail when they try to start a business online because they don't follow thru. They buy a product, look at, put it into action, and then leave it. That is something I just don't understand.

Lookif you're going to purchase an internet marketing product such as The Guru Code, then make sure to use it to its fullest ability. Don't just buy it, try it, and discard it. Buy itimplement itnurture itprosper from it.

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