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subject: Online Biz - Why 97% Fail [print this page]

Getting into an online biz is very easy to do. Setting up sites, sending out emails, even writing content and making videos. Most of the difficult "techy" stuff can be done for you. All you have to do is concentrate on marketing your web business. Traffic is the key to any online business. If you can generate traffic you will generate cash.

In the last 2 years the internet has opened up to everyone because it is now so much easier to use. 2 billion people are now connected to internet and the numbers are still growing. It's pretty much our generations gold rush. This is why so many are now trying online biz opportunities. But there is one problem. Only 3% of these people will actually make any money.

Why do so many fail at creating a successful internet business?

The reason they fail is because they don't give it enough time. Most are seduced by all of the marketing hype and suddenly believe that they'll be able to make thousands in just a few months. The reality is, they will pour time and money in for about a month, then give up because nothing seems to happen.

What you need to understand, is that this happens to everyone. The internet is a very big place and it takes time to pick up on all the content you create. The ones who make it into the top 3% are the people who can persevere.

I start my online marketing campaign (videos, articles, social media) by taking massive action. I will try and create a hundred articles and videos and add at least 5,000 friends on each of my social media accounts. This is a lot of work, and will take anything from 1 - 3 months. After this I can cut back on the workload a little.

I won't see any effect from this work until I'm 3 - 6 months down the line. But once the traffic starts to roll, it will snowball, provided you have carried on with marketing your online biz.

One of the best pieces of advice I can give is: don't quit your day job. Having a steady income takes any desperation out of your work. You don't "need" to make a sale.

Remember, setting up an online biz is easy, creating a successful web business is far harder.

Copyright (c) 2010 Joe Albert Stewart

by: Joe Albert Stewart

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