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subject: After An Accident: How A Lawyer Can Help You? [print this page]

If you get into an accident, one of the first things you have to decide is whether to use a Car Accident Attorney, or whether to make a claim against the wrong-doer and his/her insurance company yourself. For a number of reasons, if you are hurt in an automobile accident, you should consider retaining a lawyer, rather than trying to resolve the matter yourself.

There are several key reasons why you should do this:

1. You need someone on your side that understands and has experience in dealing with insurance companies. Insurance companies attempt to delay or avoid any valid claim. An experienced Boston Car Accident Attorneys at Chistolini & DeSimone knows how insurance companies work. They are in the best position to represent your interests.

2. Studies done by the insurance industry indicate that, in general, retaining a lawyer results in higher compensation for people injured in a motor vehicle crash.

3. Just being in a motor vehicle crash does not guarantee that you will receive any type of compensation. The other party must pay only if they are negligent or found legally at fault. Retaining a personal injury lawyer will assist you in evaluating your case.

4. In the event that you are in a motor vehicle crash, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has laws that set deadlines for making a claim. If you wait too long and the statute of limitations passes, your case can be dismissed no matter how much the facts are in your favor. Timely retaining a lawyer will assist in protecting your rights. The attorneys at Chistolini & DeSimone have approximately a quarter of a century of experience in dealing with insurance companies and protecting the rights of victims.

by: Chistolini

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