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How Total Transformation Program Can Get Your Kids To Listen

How Total Transformation Program Can Get Your Kids To Listen

Have your child been ignoring you entirely lately? Is it getting more difficult to get him to listen? Whether you had asked him to do homework, keep his toys, stop the computer games or being rude, none of these words sounds like English at all. Your blood pressure starts to rise and you had used all sorts of methods to communicate but it seems like everything you said had fallen into deaf ears. You tried time-out, taking away privileges, no friends visits, no computer games, no chocolate cakes or everything you can think of. But yet your child is still not listening to you! You are frustrated, burn-out, challenged and completely helpless.

Parenting seems to be the toughest (yet unpaid) job you wished you could tender your resignation to. Sigh...

If these scenarios sound familiar, then you may want to start asking yourself what and where went wrong? Why is my child not listening to me? Didn't he hear me or is he simply not listening? When did he start this bad behavior and have you done anything right to make him listen.

Times had changed. We do not parent with impulse or be authoritative anymore. Rods do not work anymore because more often than not children who are spank were being spank without proper 'technique'. Times had changed whereby people learn how to parent. You, too, must learn how to talk to your child so that he will listen.

James Lehman, a renowned Child Behavior Therapist and creator of Total Transformation Program speaks to all parents in his audio lesson 2 - 'Why Won't My Child Listen To Me? Understandably, James who has 30 years experience working with families with difficult children like oppositional defiant disorder, misbehavior, obnoxious, ADD/ADHD, disrespectful, lying, anger and abusive children has his method to empower parents the right parenting skills so that children will listen.

Children do not listen for a reason. They can be ignorant because there is something that they want or didn't want to do. They did not listen because the situations were going against their way and therefore they either ignore or become defiant. The question is what are you going to do to get your child to listen. The obvious answer is learn how to parent. I would highly recommend the Total Transformation Program.

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