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Holiday Gifts ~ Something Else to Consider

Holiday Gifts ~ Something Else to Consider

I have been wondering how to approach this topic because it can be a difficult one to talk about with your significant other. Even the slight mention of this topic can create an explosion between couples. I know. I have been there myself. But...if you can overcome the pain, come to a neutral place, than you both might be glad you took the risk to even discuss this subject.

What's the big topic? Holiday Gifts ~ spending on something else instead. Why can this be a ticking time bomb to discuss??? Ladies...let me ask you this question and be honest...if your man comes up to you and asks... "Honey, what if instead of buying each other expensive gifts this year...ummm...we set up an account with Scottrade or Fidelity? (Or something along those lines) honest...Spending on something "practical" is NOT what you want to hear. Am I way off? I know...something romantic and something that makes you feel beautiful, right? That sounds better?
Holiday Gifts ~ Something Else to Consider

Now...I am not trying to pick on the ladies for this topic or blame the ladies here. Guys... we are just as guilty. We buy a lot of "crap" on our sports, cars, and well...more "man" crap. So we are just as guilty on spending money on "stuff".

Look, the thought of a backlash between couples in suggesting that you both spend money on an investing account or on some other assets, rather than buying some jewelry, some nice outfits, a new pair of golf clubs, or whatever "stuff" you might desire, can be a scary subject to bring up. Who likes to argue and fight with your significant other? It is not fun. So of course...we avoid it. Better to continue the debt?

But what about the debt that follows us when the holidays are over? Doesn't that "debt" also create those "lovely" conversations about money? And then let's talk about the credit card debt that we rack up over the holidays. Is it really worth it?

The holidays can be a wonderful time, don't get me wrong, but the after effect of spending money we don't have can create larger debt which can lead to late payments, collections, or even worse...short on the mortgage or rent. And if that starts to happen...then our credit goes down the drain. And trust me on this...that is NOT a conversation you want with your partner.

What if instead we took Robert Kiyosaki's advice and we put that holiday money this year towards some assets? Or what if we listened to Suzi Orman and we put that holiday money to our emergency back up so we get a little closer to her 8 month cash reserve that she recommends?

I know...but then we have to "delay" our immediate gratification and that's not very fun. Hence this topic is not a popular one for sure. Hmmm...but what if we could create some assets that generated money in the future? What if those assets grew over time and because of it, we could start buying those cute pairs of shoes and golf clubs because we learned to increase our financial IQ (as Mr. Kiyosaki suggests). Yes, I am a big fan of his if you cannot tell. But it really starts to make sense. Create assets to generate more cash and then we can have our "stuff" from the money generated by those assets.

It seems the difficult part on this idea is to delay our purchasing "stuff" like the holiday gifts because we are so used to satisfying our needs "today" as opposed to later.

But what if we could delay our immediate desires? What if we could get excited about buying some stocks, gold, silver, or some kind of asset that could get us closer to financial freedom?

Just a thought... I expect this one will be rejected by many but I prefer to face the topic head on and so I do think it is worth bringing it up.

However you decide to "spend" your holidays...Enjoy!

Some Conversation Starter ~ Suggestions
Holiday Gifts ~ Something Else to Consider

"Honey, suggesting this idea doesn't mean I don't love you...actually because I do love you, because I do love "us", I want to ensure our family is secure."

And maybe add the following ~

"Honey, in place of a gift this year...I would like to cook you dinner for a week"; or do laundry for the week, take her to a museum, a play, or cook a romantic dinner, etc.

Do something she would like to do so she knows that you do love her and that you do care and that you just want was ultimately is the best for your family.

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