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subject: Tired of Temper Tantrums? 3 Ways to Change Your Child's Behavior [print this page]

Tired of Temper Tantrums? 3 Ways to Change Your Child's Behavior

Tired of Temper Tantrums? 3 Ways to Change Your Child's Behavior

When your child is acting out or misbehaving it is almost second nature to yell, constantly ask the child to stop or threaten to take something away. Does this work? Not for me it didn't. Why are you acting this way? What did "I" do to deserve this? What is wrong? Have you thought this or asked this when your child is out of control? I have. Did this make things better? No. You are not alone. Many parents go through the same problems and there is a solution!

Some behaviors can be altered by simply changing your child's diet. Perhaps the word simply is putting it too mildly. It is amazing how many foods contain sugar or forms of sugar hidden with long hard to pronounce names. I found reading the ingredients on every item I picked up in the store more than doubled my shopping time. However, this is a small price to pay for a more peaceful home life.

While diet may be one underlying reason for temper tantrums I was surprised to learn that lack of exercise can cause behavioral problems as well. It actually makes sense. Think about how your child behaves after a day of fresh air playing outside, even if for one hour, compared to a few days trapped in the house due to rain or really cold weather. With no outside time children become more bored, antsy and have no means to exert their energy. I find it is easier to get my girls to play outside than my son. Boys seem to be much more into video games and TV than girls. It doesn't help matters that there are nine girls on the block for my girls to play with and no boys my son's age unless a play date is arranged. I suggested half hour walks after dinner, just me and him, so we get some exercise and time to talk, just us. He liked that idea.

A major factor in misbehaving is lack of sleep. This is a rough area to change. Did you know that children ages 1 - 7 should be getting 12 - 14 hours of sleep and children after that 10 hours a night? Bed time for me used to be a nightmare that included screaming, feet stomping, crying and plain refusing to go to bed. Advice is to pause, and respond, not react to the behavior. Not so easy? Not as hard as you think. Once you can get past the wanting to yell back and realize that a few nights of changing the way you react to the behavior things will get better.

What I was doing wasn't working. I needed help. I felt like I was always yelling and taking things away. I became the "mean mommy". I didn't like that title. I came across an amazing guide that has helped transition my children's behavior! What a difference to have my children love and respect me! This is a must have for all parents! An absolute miracle! I am now "the best mom ever"!

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