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subject: Attract Attention With Teeth Whitening [print this page]

Teeth whitening is a great way for girls to catch the eye of that special someone this Christmas time.

With the festive party season in full swing it can be hard to attract attention among large crowds of people but recent research has revealed that improving your smile is crucial for that all important first meeting.

Scientists at Manchester University discovered that when a man and woman meet each other for the first time, the average male will spend the majority of the first ten seconds staring at her mouth.

The research team used special eye-tracking software to follow the movements of the average male eye which gazed at women's lips for seven seconds while spending less than two seconds looking at their eyes and hair.

Women who undergo teeth whitening treatments will make an immediate impact on people during the party season as they will be able to flash a smile that brightens the room.

Grazia magazine's associate fashion director Siobhan Mallen has revealed that she underwent teeth whitening procedures in order to have a shining smile in time for her wedding day.

Ms Mallen explained that she had to stop drinking red wine and cut down on her tea intake as she was instructed by her dentist not to drink or eat anything that 'would stain a white shirt' during the teeth whitening process.

The bride-to-be was delighted with the results as her new smile has made her appear younger and cutting down on the wine and sugary tea has resulted in noticeable weight loss.

She said: "According to my sister who arrived from Sydney yesterday I'm definitely looking younger (and she hasn't seen me for 15 months. Plus she's a gal who speaks as she finds, so a complement from has extra weight!). Pretty good work I reckon."

David Ross, chief executive of The Hospital Group, has said that teeth whitening is ideal for people who are self conscious about there smile because after their procedure they will feel better about their appearance.

He said: "Improving your teeth and getting a Hollywood smile through teeth whitening, braces or veneers can dramatically improve confidence and help people to live a much fuller life."

Meanwhile, it has been reported that Simon Cowell's latest pop protges One Direction were provided with teeth whitening treatments in a bid to win the X Factor final.

Reports suggest that the boy band have something to smile about as they have been signed up to Cowell's record label SyCo.

by: Martin Hofschroer

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