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subject: Learn Mesothelioma Facts And Information To Keep In Mind [print this page]

Mesothelioma Facts: This disease unfortunately catches people who are infected by surprise, because the symptoms usually occur several years after exposure to asbestos. Overall exposure to asbestos which causes the mesothelioma disease is at various job sites. The infected cells become cancerous mesothelioma, and possibly unknown to the victim, the cells begin to spread the infection to different parts of the body of the victim.

Due to the nature of work in workplaces with asbestos in the past, such as manufacturing plants or power plants, most patients are men, although women are also sometimes victims also. In the U.S. only, there are around 200 new cases per month. Also to note, these are only known instances. It is unclear how many people at this time who are ill with mesothelioma, but not realize the magnitude of their condition.

There were over 20,000 deaths in the United States between 2000 and 2010 with thousands of deaths that have already occurred in the last decade of the 20th century. Each state has been affected by mesothelioma, but the East Coast has seen the worst of the disease to date.

Unfortunately in most cases at the time of diagnosis of cancer cells, they have already spread and mesothelioma has reached its full development. Most of the people affected don't experience symptoms until it is almost unable to be brought under control. Invasive surgery is not a good option since the infected cells have already spread throughout the body. Treatment sessions using chemotherapy or radiotherapy are the most common.

If you or someone you know may have been exposed to asbestos, they should immediately consult a doctor to undergo a series of tests. Especially if you were a smoker, that in itself could accelerate the development of mesothelioma. If you are able to catch it as soon as possible, the treatment process is not complicated.

Mesothelioma Facts: The mesothelium is a lining that covers and protects your body. When the lining cells become cancerous, that is when you gradually develop mesothelioma. This disease is caused by asbestos exposure. Although it is a natural substance, it should not be exposed to people as the microscopicfibers become airborne and are inhaled accidentally. When breathing the fibers, they become permanently attached to the lungs, which is the beginning of infection and eventually leads to the development of the condition.

by: Nicholas Martinez

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