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subject: Why You Should Get Your Pool Ready For Summer [print this page]

Why You Should Get Your Pool Ready For Summer

Why You Should Get Your Pool Ready For Summer

When summer starts showing its smile and days get longer, homeowners start thinking about their swimming pool. This is the time to prepare through careful attention to the pool's mechanical system, chemicals and cleanliness. If you are wanting to take it a step further, why not consider swimming pool renovations? Your pool will not only be ready to jump into, but it will also have an entirely new look and atmosphere for your summer fun.Cleanliness -Swimming pools have to start out the summer clean and sanitized. It is always a great idea to start off the season by using a manual brush and a pool vacuum even if your pool is already equipped with an automatic system. It is important that you pay close attention to pool spots that are hard to reach or that have very minimal water circulation, such as stair corners. When you are going through the process of cleaning the surface, keep a wary eye out for any visible cracking or any other damage. These are problems that need to be repaired as soon as possible.You will need to do as the manufacturer had instructed and conduct regular inspection and sanitation of your pool's pumps and filters. Also, there is a need to keep an eye our for cracks or defects that they may contain. If they show any damage, then they have to be replaced immediately. Lastly, in order to complete the preparation procedure, you will need to treat the water to keep its chemical contents at the right level to avoid bacterial growth. You can either use a commercial test kit to check the chlorine level or take a sample of your water to a pools retailer to give you a readout of your pool's calcium levels, algae content and the presence of bacteria.Renovations -If while cleaning your pool, you notice a large number of surface cracks and that your filters are out of date, it might be time to consider swimming pool renovations. Hiring a professional company to expertly assess your pool problems and do thorough recommendations and renovations on your pool is a smart idea. This can include repair of cracks, replacement of filters and worn out pumps. They can also help you to give a new look to your pool. This can even include the landscaping around the pool, a new surface, or even a total overhaul.

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