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Christmas Message From Bob And Penny Lord

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Family, Christmas is a time of Joy and Peace and Good Will to all men. As we begin writing for this special Blog, I cannot help reflecting on why the Baby was born. That Good News seems to get lost in the trying and buying we get busily involved with as the Savior is waiting to be born anew in our lives.

Is there any room for a Baby to be born in your homein your townin your children's schoolin your country? Will there be a crib for His Mother Mary to lay the Christ Child or has that crib gotten smashed in the courts because of the zeal of groups who use guile to rob us of our Hope and our Salvation. We need Jesus Present in our lives. We need to recognize the heritage we have through no merit of our own. To us not only a Savior is born, but through that Tiny Baby, a Mother has been given to us. She was given to us by Jesus at the foot of the Cross, as He was dying for and because of our sins. As we rejected Him, ignored Him, spit upon Him, taunted Him, stood apathetically by, He offered us His Mother and She said "yes!" Our Merciful Father in Heaven had Her in His Mind and Heart as our first parents Adam and Eve were saying "yes" to the serpent's deal to make them into gods.

None of us can doubt the love Mary bore for Her Son, but do we ever think of the love She had and has for us? Here we have Mary; She is about to have Her Baby; there is no one who will give them shelter. No one will give up any of their comfort. But you say "If they knew Who it was, they would have fought to be first in line to serve Jesus."
Christmas Message From Bob And Penny Lord

"And the Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us." God became man! Jesus said, "I call you friend." God came among us to be our Friend. No more did we need to fear the Unknown God that no one could look upon. God came among us to bring us life, to give us a glimpse of all He had planned for us. He chose to be born humbly of woman. He placed Himself in the hands of the woman dependent on Her for His food, for learning, for comfort, for reassurance, for guidance, for love As He is being born once more in Bethlehem, in America, in Europe, in the war torn parts of the world, how will we greet Him? Will we, like Simeon tell Mary more swords will pierce Her Heart? Jesus was born that we might be saved; that's why He came into the world. He loved us so much, He knew we would need Him to make it in this world and so He did not leave us orphans. He knew we would need His Precious Mother so He shared Her with us. Nowhere do I see or hear Jesus having self-interest, a "what's in it for Me?" philosophy.

Our Mother Mary was born without sin, a pure vessel from which the Savior would come into the world, but She was also born with a free will. The Lord had given Her and us that gift of free will, so that we could freely chose Him and the happiness He had in store for us. She used that free will to do His Will. The Christmas present, the birthday present Mother Mary gave to Her Son was Her "yes." She put Him before all others including Herself. Her world revolved around Him. He became Her world. And because of Her faithfulness, She was able to walk the way of the Cross.
Christmas Message From Bob And Penny Lord

What birthday present will you give the Baby Jesus this Christmas? New life, for us Christians, began when the Savior was born that we might live. So maybe we should celebrate, this year on Christmas Day, our New Year and make all those New Year's resolutions before our Lord in His Tabernacle. As St. Paul said "I am compelled to write this to you that you might know new life and know it to the fullest."

Blessed Christmas to you

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by: Bob and Penny Lord

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