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Domestic cleaning for Londoners

Domestic cleaning for Londoners

Those of us who live in London are used to things happening fast. We're surrounded by opportunities for living life to the full museums, theatres, cinemas, work, kids all of these things make claims on our time, and we're used to living life in the fast lane. So when doing our house cleaning London, we want the fastest results. But, with all that's going on around us, which, naturally, we don't want to miss out on (or why would we be living in London in the first place?) how on earth are we supposed to make time for our domestic cleaning duties?

Having lived in London for most of my life, I have some experience to draw on here. I've shared flats with the messiest people, some of whom I've fallen out with as a result, and the tidiest people, who can be equally annoying. The important thing when organising domestic cleaning duties is to identify the kind of house cleaning London, especially flat sharers, have a right to expect (and not a jot more!).

Let's face it, city-dwellers like us are used to a bit of dirt and grime. The capital's streets are often filthy and strewn with rubbish, the air is polluted with vehicle fumes and there's dust pretty much everywhere. A few years ago I went away to the country for the weekend and returned to begin a new temp job in the City. By the time I'd got off the bus on my way into work and walked over London Bridge, my eyebrows were itching. I scratched my face and what looked like soot came off my eyebrows and stuck to my fingers! So, as Londoners, we can't afford to be too fussy. Fastidious we are, most of us at least, not.
Domestic cleaning for Londoners

So when it comes to domestic cleaning, let's be realistic. Organise yourselves properly and you can get quickly through the house cleaning London style. Try the following handy hints:

Keep your home tidy at all times. Allow the place to get untidy and it's a slippery slope. Other people in our homes don't have the time to tidy up after us, and untidy rooms make domestic cleaning impossible, so stay on top of things.

Good house cleaning London residents clean and tidy as they go. Every time you leave a room for more than five minutes, leave it as you would like to find it when you next enter. When cooking, wash up each piece of equipment as soon as you have finished it. In the bathroom, wipe down the shower or bath before you leave.

When undressing, place clothes straight into the laundry basket, or rehang if you are going to wear them again. Hand wash delicates on a daily basis, and put them away as soon as they are dry.

Follow the above tips and your domestic cleaning can be done in as efficient and speedy a way as possible. Focus on one room at a time, whenever you have a spare hour, and have a routine for your house cleaning London dwellers can be proud of!

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